
Maia Sandu: We have ten days to work together and free country from bandits


The Party of Action and Solidarity’s candidate for President Maia Sandu calls on the Moldovans in the country and abroad to phone the parents, relatives and friends and persuade them to go and vote on November 15. “Dear people, it is our duty to drive the bandits from the administration of our country away,” Maia Sandu stated in a press briefing, being quoted by IPN.

“To remain in power, Igor Dodon asked for the support of the biggest bandits, releasing them from jail or reducing their jail terms. These bandits now go to business entities and, with the pistol at people’s heads, ask for money for financing Igor Dodon’s campaign. Also for the sake of money, Dodon will allow Platon to commit a new large-scale bank theft. Dodon tries to hide the reality by lies, but the truth is Dodon plans the next billion theft. Dodon promises protection to all the thieves who support him in the current election campaign. He is desperate. He feels like a trapped beast. After selling the country, he is also ready to sell the future of the people of the Republic of Moldova,” stated Maia Sandu.

According to her, on November 15 Igor Dodon will be removed. “First of all, we will start a harsh struggle against all the bandits and thieves, all the judges and prosecutors who protect the thieves and bandits. We will declare the fight against corruption a national security priority and will insist on making the penalties for political corruption, for treason much harsher so that no one ever dares to sell the country and the people’s interests,” stated the PAS leader.

The candidate noted she, as the President, will take all the actions needed to dissolve the current Parliament. “Each of us can contribute to freeing Moldova from corrupt persons and bandits.”