
Maia Sandu: Schemes by which employees of diplomatic corps make money should disappear


The fight against corruption in all the state institutions is one of the key objectives mentioned by President Maia Sandu in a meeting with the diplomatic corps held today on the occasion of the Day of Diplomats. “The schemes by which some of the employees of the diplomatic corps make money should disappear. I have a personal message to those few who are involved in such schemes – stop it now. Don’t put the diplomatic service and your colleagues in difficult situations. The illegalities will be punished harshly,” stated Maia Sandu, being quoted by IPN.

The official noted the state institutions should be strengthened, including the institutions responsible for ensuring the key interest of a state – security. Only with functional institutions in the fields of security and diplomacy, Moldova can have an international policy that would bring maximum benefits. “My top priority as the President and under the mandate offered to me by the people is to bring things in order at home. For us to manage to do this, we should ensure maximum synchronization between the foreign policy and the domestic one. The support of the diplomatic service here is very important for improving the situation in the country,” stated Maia Sandu.

A priority of the foreign policy is to ensure a maximally favorable context for the internal developments – reforms, fight against corruption, overcoming of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic effects of this pandemic. To reach these objectives, professionals should be promoted to posts exclusively according to meritocracy criteria.

According to Maia Sandu, during many years the diplomats had to represent a country about which primarily negative things were said given the bank theft, the money laundering operation, the MPs who switch parties, grand corruption. The situation remains difficult.

In several weeks, the presidential administration managed to restore the relations with the neighboring countries that are the strategic partners – Romania and Ukraine. With Russia, Moldova has a complex relationship with many areas of cooperation, but also with areas where the opinions and interests are differing. These problems should be overcome by dialog, mutual respect and a constructive relationship.

The official also referred to the relationship with the United States, noting there is a very good partnership between the two countries. Maia Sandu said it is important for the country to be open to the opportunities offered by the cooperation with other countries, such as China, Turkey, Israel, India and also countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The National Day of Diplomats is celebrated on January 17.