
Maia Sandu reacts to protest staged by sympathizers of Shor Party


The leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu said she followed with sadness the mainly male people, who came to the head office of the PAS on January 20 to demand that they should stop criticizing Ilan Șor and asking to punish him. “The protesters asked not to spoil the image of Shor. One cannot spoil the already spoiled image of an individual who was involved in the banking frauds and the corruption of people, profiting from their poverty,” stated Maia Sandu, being quoted by IPN.

The politician distributed through Facebook an audio recording entitled “Shor steals US$ 1billion and then pays poor people to come to defend him”, where a person tells how the participants in the demonstration were mobilized and paid.

Maia Sandu said the PAS will not stop demanding to punish those to blame, including Shor. “We want the people to live decently and will thus make every effort for this to happen,” she stated.

Members and sympathizers of the Shor Party mounted a demonstration at the PAS head office in Chisinau on January 20. They called on Maia Sandu to leave alone their leader, the mayor of Orhei Ilan Shor. According to them, the PAS leader should also be held accountable for the illegalities committed when she was minister of education, namely for closing a number of schools. Earlier this week, members and sympathizers of the PAS staged a flashmob meeting near the Botanica branch of the Chisinau Court of Law, demanding that the Shor case should be immediately translated and should be transmitted to the Appeals Court, while Ilan Shor should be convicted of involvement in the banking frauds. Meanwhile, the press reported that the case was translated and remitted to the Court of Appeals.