
Maia Sandu in Bucharest: Thank you for your support


Moldova is Ukraine’s most vulnerable neighbor affected by the war, but also by hybrid attacks orchestrated by the Kremlin, aimed at weakening its determination to remain part of the free world, and the support of the country’s partners, especially Bucharest and Berlin, is very appreciated. This was stated by President Maia Sandu after a meeting in Bucharest with her Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

“The projects we are implementing together bring real benefits for citizens and will anchor us strongly in the European space”. “Thank you for your support for peace, prosperity and our European future. For its part, the Republic of Moldova, together with Ukraine, ensures the security of more than 1200 km of the European border”, said Maia Sandu.

Despite the unprecedented challenges Moldova is now facing, the implementation of reforms continues, assured Sandu. Among the priorities, she mentioned the reconstruction of the economy, the strengthening of energy and state security, the reform of justice and the improvement of the standard of living in the country’s localities.

On June 1, Moldova will host the European Political Community Meeting. The event will bring together 50 heads of state and government from Europe and leaders of the European Union. “For us, hosting this summit is a reconfirmation of Moldova’s commitment to European values, but also of our country’s role in finding sustainable solutions for the challenges we all face today", noted Maia Sandu.

Romanian president Klaus Iohannis reiterated his support for the Republic of Moldova. “We will continue to be firm and unwavering in relation to Chisinau. All the more since the Republic of Moldova is subject to systematic hybrid pressures, including attempts to undermine its constitutional order. Despite all the challenges, President Maia Sandu, the Government and the Parliament in Chisinau have acted responsibly, efficiently and decisively, they have made substantial efforts to detach the Republic of Moldova from the uncomfortable zone of permanent dependence in which it has been captive for a long time", declared Klaus Iohannis.

“We read with great concern reports about Russia’s attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of each state are inviolable. This provision of the Helsinki Final Act and other international law agreements was also signed by Russia and is still valid. That’s why we support Moldova with everything we can to defend itself from these attempts by Russia to destabilize it”, said Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The trilateral meeting is organized on the occasion of the German Chancellor’s visit to Bucharest, which, according to the Romanian Presidency, represents a moment of reconfirmation of the excellent bilateral relations between Romania and Germany.