
Maia Sandu: I have persons who can form a good Cabinet


President Maia Sandu said she has a team that could form a very good Cabinet, but the lack of a parliamentary majority that would support the new executive prevents her from nominating candidates for Prime Minister, IPN reports.

“I have a team. I have people who can form a very good Cabinet, but the problem is the lack of support in Parliament. Even if they vote in such an executive, it’s clear there will not be a majority that would support this Government’s initiatives,” Maia Sandu stated in the program “Friday with Anatolie Golea” on RTR Moldova channel.

The official noted the appointment of a Government by the current Parliament and the subsequent dismissal of the given executive will only put off the snap parliamentary elections for a period.

“We offer the citizens the possibility of electing the MPs depending on what they saw in a period and on what happened until now. The decision is taken by the people. Later the parties that will enter Parliament will decide with who to ally and with who to form a parliamentary majority,” stated Maia Sandu. 

President Sandu noted she is waiting for the Constitutional Court’s decision concerning the self-dissolution of Parliament based on a requisition filed by the Party of Action and Solidarity and will then decide what steps can be taken to overcome the political crisis.

Under the Constitution, there are two possibilities for inducing snap parliamentary elections:  if the legislative body during three months does not adopt any bills or if two attempts to invest a new Government fail.