
Maia Sandu: At snap elections or at referendum, citizens will decide their and country’s future


President Maia Sandu said the people are the ones that hold power in the state and can solve the created situation. At snap elections or at referendum, the citizens will decide their and the country’s future, the official stated after the Constitutional Court passed its judgment by which her decree to nominate Nataliei Gavrilița as Prime Minister the second time was declared unconstitutional, IPN reports.

“I took note of the Constitutional Courts’ decision. In a normal situation, this can be understood as the decision tries to set the limits of the powers of each authority in the process of forming the Government. But we now do not have a normal situation. The current situation is similar to that of the end of 2015 – the start of 2016, when oligarch Plahotniuc, buying more than one third of the MPs representing different parties, formed a pocket parliamentary majority. After President Timofti was forced to designate the candidate of that majority, Plahotniuc named his own government and later captured the whole state,” Maia Sandu stated in a press briefing.

She noted everyone remembers what happened in the period of sate capture and years of resistance and fight were needed to remove the leader of that authoritarian regime. But the de-oligarchization wasn’t possible as in the current Parliament that was elected during the authoritarian regime does not include a sufficient number of MPs who would be ready to clear the state of the oligarchs’ unfavorable influence.

“All those who repeatedly declared that the country needs snap elections, including those who supported the resignation of the own government so as to make the snap elections possible, today tell us that we need a temporary government to save the country. I do not believe them. I do not believe them when they say they will support a government that would help the people to overcome the pandemic and economic crisis,” said President Sandu.

Maia Sandu noted that the so-called majority has nothing to do with the salvation of the country as the country needs to be saved from thieves, from those that place the personal interest above the country’s interest, from those who keep the country hostage to corruption and underdevelopment, from those who oppose the change only because they are afraid that their schemes will stop working and they will have to answer before the law.  

“I said it for tens, for hundreds of times and will repeat it today – the current Parliament does not include 51 MPs who would be ready to support the fight against corruption. Everyone knows this. The greatest opposition to the justice sector reform is witnessed in the current Parliament. Those who stole hundreds of millions and billions do not want justice to be done. Those who broke the law for three times a day do not want independent and honest judges and prosecutors. The country’s de-oligarchization should be started in Parliament. Everything has a limit and Moldova desperately needs a new start, an honest Parliament centered on the country’s affairs, a professional government that would be supported by an appropriate majority, with commitment not for a month or two, but for long-lasting projects,” stated President Sandu.

“I call on the MPs who do not form part of the mafia clans to show courage and assumption, the courage to go towards snap elections and the assumption that nothing good can be done with the current legislative body. I ask them to remember what happened in 2016, especially after the vote of 2016.”

The decree issued by President Maia Sandu, by which Natalia Gavrilița was nominated for premiership again, was declared unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court partially accepted the challenge filed by Socialist MPs, holding that for Article 98, par. 1 of the Constitution to be obeyed, the parliamentary groups and the President of the Republic of Moldova must have new consultations.