
Maia Sandu about exclusion of contests: PAS assumes responsibility


President Maia Sandu welcomes the Party of Action and Solidarity’s intention to exclude the obligation to hold public contests to fill the posts of chiefs of a number of institutions. Sandu said PAS assumes responsibility for the work of the new chiefs. If these do not meet the expectations of society, the party will pay with the own reputation before the voters, IPN reports.

President Sandu said that in the case of the director of the National Anticorruption Center, by excluding the public contest the procedure for appointing the chief was only simplified. PAS would have anyway had the last say in the nomination of the potential candidate for NAC director.

“The former law provides that a contest is held in Parliament and this is organized by the legal commission. If this law haf been applied, the process would have been longer as PAS holds a majority of votes in this commission and the decision concerning the NAC director would have anyway been taken by PAS. PAS wants NAC to be managed by a person who will bring things in order. We are now building the rule of law. We made attempts in 2017. There was adopted the law that offers full autonomy to the prosecution service and we now see the results – a corrupt system was just conserved,” Maia Sandu stated in the talk show “Black Box” on TV8 channel.

The official noted PAS assumes politically the management of the institutions that are under parliamentary control so as to bring about the changes promised to the citizens in the election campaign.

“PAS assumes responsibility for these people and names them to posts. If these persons fail to fulfill their duties, PAS will pay with its own reputation. I had a discussion with representatives of the EU on the issue and they realize that the independence of the system cannot be ensured when this is corrupt. The corrupt system should be first cleaned and elements of autonomy can be introduced then,” said Maia Sandu.

The PAS majority parliamentary group recently amended the law on the National Anticorruption Center, excluding the obligation to hold a public contest to fill the post of director of this institution. Under the new law, the NAC director is appointed by a majority of votes of MPs at the suggestion of at least 230 MPs.