
Maia Bănărescu could undertake duties of Ombudsperson


Until Parliament names a new Ombudsperson, the duties could be taken over by Ombudswoman for Children’s Rights Maia Bănărescu. This is provided in a draft decision introduced into Parliament by the head of the commission on human rights and interethnic relations Doina Gherman.

Contacted by IPN for details, MP Doina Gherman said the draft decision ascertains the ending of the Ombudsman’s mandate earlier in connection with the death of Ombudsman Mihail Cotorobai. The activity of the Ombudsperson’s Office is now blocked. Until a contest is held to choose a new Ombudsperson, someone should hold this post on an interim basis.

The Law on the Ombudspersons provides that if the Ombudspersons’ mandate ends earlier, a new Ombudsperson is named within three months. A special parliamentary commission is constituted to select candidates for this post at a public contest.

Doina Gherman noted that given the politically unstable conditions, the contest could be organized by the next legislature, after snap parliamentary elections are held. The process of creating the special commission and of announcing a contest is complex.

Under the Parliament’s Regulations, the special parliamentary commission is constituted by decisions adopted in plenary sittings. This year’s spring session of Parliament starts on February 1.