
Mai Day celebrated by picnicking


Many people in Moldova chose to celebrate the International Workers Day or May Day outdoors, with a picnic. Profiting from the free day, the salary earners invaded the parks and recreational areas in Chisinau and other regions of the country, IPN reports.

Some of the salary earners said that the costs of the holiday meal were covered by their employers, while others said they paid for it themselves. Traders confirmed that the meat for barbecue, fresh vegetables and salads sold well today.

Those who went for a picnic are asked to keep the places clean or will be fined. General Police Inspectorate spokesman Adrian Jovmir has told IPN that the fines for not obeying the sanitary rules in green areas vary from 200 to 400 lei. In the best case, the people are warned. “The report is written on the spot, but the fine can be paid afterward, within 72 hours,” stated Adrian Jovmir.

Viorica Caciuc, head of the press service of the Forestry Agency “Moldsilva”, told IPN that special attention should be paid to anti-fire security. There are signs in the recreational areas that must be obeyed.

The International Workers Day on May 1 is celebrated in over 60 countries. In Moldova it is a nonworking day for salary earners.