MAE opens election campaign on territory of old factory
“More deeds and less politics!” is the slogan of the European Action Movement Party for the November 28 early legislative elections. In a news conference on Wednesday, the party's chairman Veaceslav Untila said this message will be conveyed to the voters through a plan aimed at modernizing Moldova and creating new workplaces, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The MAE presented its list of candidate in a symbolic setting – a deserted hall of an old factory, where about 400 persons worked earlier. The party pledged to invite again the press to that place in a month and a half to show that their statements will be accompanied by deeds.
“We planned a set of measures that will help create 60,000 workplaces a year, starting with 2011,” said Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Veaceslav Afanasiev, the head of the MAE's Strategies and Planning Department.
The main measures of the MAE program include lowering the interest on the loans provided to companies by reducing the central bank's refinance rate to 2-4%, decreasing taxes for private individuals and legal entities, increasing pensions and salaries, developing processing industry in 1,450 settlements.
The MAE candidates said none of the 500 strategies proposed by the Moldovan politicians centered on the development of the economy and creation of well-paid jobs. The party's first deputy chairman Anatol Petrencu said the MAE formulated also a program to fight corruption that will be presented later.
MAE leader Veaceslav Untila expressed his confidence that the party will poll more that 4% of the vote and will enter Parliament.