
MAE officially quits electoral race


The European Action Movement (MAE) has officially withdrawn from the electoral race, the party’s leader Anatol Petrencu announced at a news conferee on July 22. “The MAE will support the anticommunist parties that have chances of entering the Parliament,” Petrencu said, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The MAE filed the documents to be withdrawn from the race on July 21 and the Central Election Commission accepted them. ”The MAE’s objective is to remove the PCRM immediately from power. We did not put forward conditions for our withdrawal because we consider that the democracy and welfare of the people are more important than any political goal or electoral interest,” it is said in a communiqué that was distributed at the conference. Anatol Petrencu also said that the MAE will follow the same course: towards the West, towards freedom and democracy, towards a better future for the Moldovan children. During the coming years, the party aims to strengthen its position and become the political force that Moldova has expected for 18 years, the politician said. Eight election runners will compete in the July 29 race.