
„M 1” canceled Serafim Urecheanu’s invitation to a TV show after he criticized the government on radio


The leader of the „Moldova Noastră” Alliance Serafim Urecheanu had his invitation to a show on the „Moldova 1” public television channel cancelled after, a couple of hours before, he broadcasted on Radio Moldova the content of critical discussions recently held in Brussels by a Parliament delegation. In a Declaration of protest against the blockade set up by „Teleradio-Moldova” company, intended to hamper access to the public for the opposition forces and its allies, Serafim Urecheanu expressed his “astonishment and indignation” regarding his exclusion from the „M 1” TV show on September 27, in which members of the Republic of Moldova Parliament presented their points of view regarding the recent visit to the EU central institutions. „In the morning of the same day, I took part in a similar show on Radio Moldova, during which I underlined the that Republic of Moldova needs to get back on schedule with the common Action Plan with EU, I transmitted critical messages for Chisinau officials from Brussels high officials, and corrected and adjusted the overenthusiastic information brought by other participants in the show. I believe that I was not invited to the TV show because the control committees of „Teleradio-Moldova” broadcasting wished to block for citizens the access to disturbing information about the evolution of the RM integration in European integration”, the declaration states. The MNA leader warns the public opinion, internal and international observers that this gesture was an insult towards European institutions that were visited by the RM Parliamentary delegation. „It is an example of mocking of democratic standards, while speaker Marian Lupu announced in Brussels we will fully embrace these standards, and is proof that TRM is directly subordinated to the communist government and that the so-called audiovisual reforms are a hoax”, the declaration also states. Urecheanu, as a citizen and leader of the MNA, expressed his protest regarding the violation of rights to equally and freely take part in the public and political life, of the rights to express opinions along with representatives of the government and their allies.