
Local elections date to be set at least 60 days prior


The tenures of the incumbent mayors are due to expire on June 14, four years exactly after the 2015 elections. Under the electoral legislation, Parliament shall fix the date of the future local elections no later than 60 days before election day.

Corneliu Pasat, communication officer at the Central Electoral Commission, told IPN that the earliest possible date is June 16, the first Sunday after the incumbencies expire. But Parliament is free to choose any other date and there is no legal limit as to how late the matter it’s decided. But if Parliament decides to conduct them at the earliest date possible, the decision must be adopted no later than April 17 in order to leave a minimum of 60 days in between, as required by the law.

Following Parliament’s decision, the Central Electoral Commission proceeds to organize the elections, but not before approving a timetable.

The June 2015 nationwide local elections produced 898 mayors, 1,116 district councilpersons and 10,564 village/town/city councilpersons.