
Lithuania supports Moldova’s European integration and peaceful solving of Transnistrian conflict


Lithuania is interested in Moldova’s success on the way its population chose and supports the strategic choice to get into European integration reforms and solving peacefully Transnistrian conflict, which for such a long time intoxicated region and Europe’s life, Lithuanian president Valdas Adamkas said in his speech in the Moldovan parliament on Friday, 31 March. „Now, the cooperation efforts of Moldova and Lithuania develop in a fast pace. An important and common part of our partnership are our relations of promoting and sharing regional cooperation experience, transmitting the most efficient practices in public sector, fighting corruption and organized crime. In Baltic countries we achieved many things by creating of a large network of multi-dimension regional partnership joining state actors, businessmen and NGOs”, Adamkus noted. „I am sure that this thing could be repeated by Chisinau, Bucharest, Kiev, Tbilisi and further in the south, united the Baltic region and the states of the Black Sea region in partnership networks. Moldova and Lithuania have to be close and reliable partners in these desideratum”, he mentioned. According to Lithuanian leader, in Moldova many see the European integration process as mean to join a prosperous nation club, which will lead immediately to better living conditions for all. „Nothing is wrong in this, as unique EU market UE gives many opportunities for business, farmers and government investments. This process will require difficult decisions, but necessary on your behalf, which will create an interest conflict that needs to be get over”, Adamkus mentioned in his speech. He underlined as well that Lithuania supports the efforts of the parliament and government of Moldova to unite its nation within its legal and historical borders and to reinstate the state confidence. Solution for Transnistria can be only one – united sovereign state Moldova, Adamkus underscored. Today we have to say aloud and clearly – status quo of Transnistria is wanted only by those who manage illegal criminal businesses, who do not want re-establishment of the sovereignty of Moldova in this region, who want to keep persons as hostages of the government and military manipulation. The European Union has to see and go further building real partnerships with the democracies of the region Black Sea and Caspian Sea: increasing and accelerating technical assistance projects, ensuring an appropriate political support, when the economic ways are used to attain political goals and joint neighbor and, at last, offering an European perspective to countries hoping to join the value community, the head of the state of Vilnius said. Valdas Adamkus makes an official visit in Moldova on 30-31 March.