
Lists of candidates for mayor and municipal council published


The municipal newspapers “Capitala” and “Stolita” published in the Friday issue the lists of candidates for the office of municipal councillors and the list of candidates running for Chisinau Mayor in the June 3 local elections. The first five candidates in the Chisinau Municipal Council are Veaceslav Iordan, Svetlana Popa, Tatiana Cunetchi, Reghina Apostolov and Eugen Baleca. The first five candidates placed on the list by the Humanist Party are Ion Mereuta, Oleg Oniscenco, Serghei Cires, Alexandru Arseni and Elena Cirisau. “Moldova Noastra” Alliance proposed Serafim Urecheanu, Mihail Furtuna, Pavel Caba, Oleg Cernei and Ana Iurascu. On behalf of the Democrat Party, the first candidates on the list are Vladimir Filat, Alexandru Tanase, Vlad Cotet, Galina Talai and Oazu Nantoi. The Conservative Party included Zinovia Zorin, Victor Baciu, Vladimir Maiduc, Fedosie Pituscan and Roman Angheliu. The People’s Christian Democrat Party included Alexandru Corduneanu, Mihail Adauge, Eugenia Starcea, Ion Gabura and Anatol Rurac. On behalf of the Social Democrat Party are running Eduard Musuc, Loretta Handrabura, Eugen Roscovanu, Igor Lupulciuc and Ghenadie Tatar. The Liberal Party proposed Mihai Ghimpu, Dorin Chirtoaca, Vadim Cojocaru, Gheorghe Brega and Ion Cebanu. Valeriu Strelet, Corneliu Ciurea, Virgil Margineanu, Vasile Manole and Olga Nicolenco are the first five candidates included in the list of the Social Liberal Party. The National Liberal Party included Mihai Severovan, Simion Plesca, Mircea Rusu, Octavian Grama and Vasile Efros. The Electoral Bloc “Patria-Rodina-Ravnopravie” proposed Valeri Climenco, Eduard Smirnov, Evgheni Vorobiov, Anatoli Pilipenco and Nicolai Cotruta. People’s Republican Party promoted Svetlana Maslitchi, Valeriu Efremov, Nadejda Garjev, Dumitru Anoasii and Vladimir Struc. Viorel Ghimpu, Ludmila Bolboceanu, Corneliu Vlad, Valentina Veverita and Nadejda Veverita are the first candidates proposed by the European Party. The Social Democracy Party proposed Dumitru Braghis, Adelaida Boico, Emil Gutu, Gheorghe Filip and Andrei Mardar. On behalf of the Labour Union “Patria-Rodina” are running Maria Laguta, Serghei Stog, Liubovi Sirco, Ecaterina Cucuruza and Oleg Nicula. The Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” included the following candidates in their list: Andrei Dumbraveanu, Ilie Bujenita, Mihai Skakun, Valeriu Tihonov and Aurelia Braguta. The Centrist Union of Moldova included Mihail Petrache, Gheorghe Amihalachioaie, Gheorghe Rotar, Alexandru Begu and Vasile Haruta. On behalf of the Law and Justice Party are running Valentina Tapis, Gheorghe Carlan, Ludmila Osipov, Samoil Stan and Eleonora Oprea. Also, 13 independent candidates run for municipal councillor. Vladimir Garste, Vasile Ceban, Ecaterina Stratan, Anatoli Soloviov, Tudor Deliu, Vladimir Ianev, Simion Boran, Ion Popa, Iurie Spanu, Serghie Dubalari, Iurie Timofte, Venera Gasparean and Ion Mamaliga. The municipal council is composed out of 51 councillors.