
List of compensated drugs to be extended


The Government will allocate additionally 135 million lei for extending the list of compensated medicines. The number of compensated drugs will rise from 90 to about 200 names. On May 14, Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici had a working meeting with representatives of pharmaceutical companies and managers of drug storehouses of Moldova, IPN reports.

The Government’s press service said it was agreed to ensure a transparent framework for compiling the list of such medicines and to review the policy on the formation of drug prices on the home market. The Premier said some prices in Moldova are by 50% higher than the prices of identical products in the European states.

As to the Public Procurement Law, the representatives of the pharmaceutical sector said it is very important to take into account not only the price, but also the quality on the medicines market.

The meeting participants also discussed the possibility of diminishing the profit margin of 14.9% on medicines in Moldova as it is higher than the average in many European counties, where the margin varies between 4 and 8%.