
Lilian Carp: Possible dismissal of Border Police chief will be decided after PGO presents its report


The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) is to provide a report on the Airport shooting incident that resulted in the death of two persons, said the head of the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order Lilian Carp. According to him, if the PGO’s report shows that the tragedy happened due to the negligence of the Border Police chief, Rosian Vasiloi will vacate his seat. The PAS MP called on the PGO to present the report as soon as possible, saying that any delay fuels new suspicions on society, IPN reports.

Lilian Carp noted that the PGO will give a final verdict as regards those who are to blame for that incident. The Security and Inteligen Service exmaines the passengers who arrive at the Chisnai Internaitonal Aiprort and those who are suspected of being in conflict with the law are handed over to the Border Police.

“The Prosecutor General’s Office should come with a report as soon as possible. Any other type of speculations that appear in the public space can distort the realities there. This institution is obliged to provide information about what happened there in the nearest future. Any delay in this case causes new suspicions in the public space. At the current stage, the duty of the SIS at the Chisinau International Airport is to examine the passengers through the agency of Interpol databases so as to detect those who are wanted or who are in conflict with the law and cannot enter the Republic of Moldova. Later, these persons are handed over to the border police to take further action. Now SIS only examines the passengers who enter the Republic of Moldova,” Lilian Carp stated in the program “Résumé” on RliveTV channel.

He noted that if the PGO’s report shows that the blame for the death of the two persons at the Airport is borne by the Border Police, its chief Rosian Vasiloi will be dismissed.

“Inside the party, we discussed this case and if the PGO provides information showing that it is his blame, he will have the same fate as any other functionary who didn’t fulfill their duties and will leave. Missis Revenco held a political post then. That’s why the prosecutor should provide this report and a decision as to the fate of the Border Police head will be taken based on this,” said the head of the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order.

After the June 30 shooting incident at the Airport, which resulted in the death of a border guard and an airport security officer, the PGO started a criminal case over killing in aggravating circumstances.