
Liberal Party: „ Moldovan TV broadcasters remain politically influenced”


The Liberal Party (LP) criticizes the activity of broadcasters from Moldova, which in the opinion of the members of the party’s permanent bureau remains politically influenced. Rodica Afanasiev, member of the permanent bureau of the party, declared at a press-conference on Monday, that there is a lack of dialogue on subjects of public interest in the TV programs, because of the political influence. „The press doesn’t have the freedom to unfold its informing task, the National Audio-Visual Council doesn’t ensure the application of legislation for the development of the informational space and the situation in mass media doesn’t allow the citizens to distinguish the truth from lies, honesty from corruption, justice from demagogy. The habit to polish the image of the government remains to be a practice in the mass-media with national coverage.” In the same context, the president of LP, Mihai Ghimpu criticized the actions of the present governance and he qualified it as undemocratic. Mr Ghimpu believes that the government is afraid for what it is doing, since it doesn’t permit the press to be free and since it doesn’t react to the numerous protests from the national television, nor the law suits from Strasbourg Court and resolutions of the Council of Europe regarding the press. Taking in consideration the enounced facts, LP demands from the government to provide the necessary conditions for respecting the editorial rights, starting of an open public dialogue throughout mass-media, implying political parties from the parliament (government parties and opposition), extra-parliamentary parties, civil society, the wide public. As well, LP appeals for debates and multilateral analysis of the problems with which the society deals, inclusively the implementation of the Moldova-EU plan of actions, Transdniestrian problem, the pressure of the Russian Federation, natural gases problem, communism crimes condemnation, transparency of the governmental act, corruption, implication of the youth in the public and political life, the problem of the integrated course of history and reduction of the number of Romanian Language lessons. At the press conference LP stated its position towards the results of the communist government during the last year. 1 year was marked on the 6th of March since the last parliamentary elections, and on the 4th of April 1 year will pass since the Legislative elected Vladimir Voronin, president of the Communist Party, as president of the Republic of Moldova.