
“Lets’ Read Aloud Together” at “Ion Creangă” Library


The National Children’s Library “Ion Creangă” on February 2-6 stages public reading activities as part of the national campaign “Lets’ Read Aloud Together” in connection with World Read Aloud Day that this year is marked on February 2, IPN reports.

The activities will be mounted in partnership with kindergartens, schools, lyceums and children’s centers. Librarians will read aloud books by classical and contemporary writers together with children, teaching staff and parents.

On February 2, at 1pm, Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan will read a fragment from Spiridon Vangheli’s book “Guguță’s Exploits” that was first published 55 years ago together with students of the Theoretical Lyceum “Mircea Eliade”. The online event will be broadcast live on “Ion Creangă” Library’s Facebook page.

World Read Aloud Day has been celebrated on the initiative of LitWorld (litworld.org) since 2010, on the first Wednesday of February.

Reading aloud helps to build communities and is an act of support for alphabetization as one of the most important human rights.