
Leova district will have a new village


The district Leova will have a new village called Bulgarica. Parliament passed a bill in this respect in two readings. Bulgarica will form part of Sarata-Noua commune and will be the 40th village of the district, IPN reports.

According to the bill author, Liberal-Democratic MP Gheorghe Focsa, Sarata-Noua commune is divided into two by an accumulation lake, Bulgarica being one of the sectors. Young families settled there and the population continues to rise. In order to get to the secondary school, kindergarten and the hospital, the residents have to cover a long distance as there are no access ways.

“In order to ensure an appropriate development level of the rural settlements, we suggest offering the status of village to Bulgarica, which is the historical name of this sector, and including it in the composition of Sarata-Noua commune,” said Gheorghe Focsa, adding this sector should become a village so as to be able to apply for funds for building access ways.

Bulgarica has more than 100 inhabitants.