
Legislation on copyright should be reviewed, opinions


The legislation on copyright and related rights hasn’t been reviewed for many years and needs to be improved. Copyright honorariums should also be revised. Over 450 Moldovan artists, authors and singers want to discuss these problems and the appointment of the AGEPI director general with Prime Minister Ion Chicu in a meeting they want to have with this.

In a news conference at IPN, writer Traian Vasilcău said the legislation on copyright and related rights should be improved and the “Copyright” National Association comes up with a number of relevant proposals. These are to be discussed with the Premier so that a legislative proposal is ultimately submitted to Parliament.

“Our dear Prime Minster Chicu, bring things in order in our area too. The artists have worked for so many years and cannot enjoy justice. Do justice!” said singer Alexandru Lozanciuc.

“Copyright” president Liviu Știrbu said the artists want a meeting with the Premier so as to discuss the appointment of the new AGEPI director general. “We learned from the press about the Government’s intention to name lawyer Marin Domente, who is considered a discredited person who encroached upon the interests of the national artists and damaged Moldova’s image abroad by his actions, as AGEPI director general,” stated the composer.

“We want a director who would manage copyright within the limits of the norm we already know and they should probably tell us how to improve it,” stated writer Viorica Nagachevski. She noted that as long as we live in a democratic country, it is the case to consult the artists, writers about the candidate proposed for AGEPI director.

“Without music, without arts, without painting, film, theater and sculpture, I don’t think a state can generally have a culture and history. That’s why we want this institution, AGEPI, which actually represents this area, to be managed by a person working in the field or who really cares about these values and is ready to protect them and to struggle for them,” stated singer Nona Marian.