
Leanca quotes Voronin: Distancing oneself from European choice means remaining in the past


The Communist ideology and the totalitarian parties aren’t welcome in Europe and wherever in the civilized world, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said in Parliament during the examination of the Communists’ third censure motion.

“It is clear that the administration in the Communist Party was taken over by ultra-conservative elements and the party is controlled by radical forces. I’m sure that more and more people will convince themselves that the association with EU is in Moldova’s interests and the real interests of the people, not of the political elites” said the Premier, quoted by IPN.

The official considers that the Communists still have time to leave the dark past and to return to the vital interests of the people and the country. “I would like to make a quotation of October 26, 2007. “Distancing oneself from the European choice means remaining for ever in the past.” This statement was made by the chairman of the PCRM Vladimir Voronin in a conference of left-wing European parties,” stated Iurie Leanca.

He added that with or without the PCRM or Vladimir Voronin, Moldova will go on, towards Europe, not backward, to isolation and authoritarianism.

In October, the Communist parliamentary group submitted another two motions against the Government. In the first case, the Communist MPs accused the executive of trying to dispossess the state of Banca de Economii and the Chisinau International Airport. The second motion concerned the Transnistrian conflict and the setting up of migration points between the two banks of the Nistru. Both of the motions didn’t garner the necessary number of votes.