
Leaders of pro-European parties about stake of July elections: A historical chance


The leaders of the pro-European parties say the July 11 snap parliamentary elections are a historical chance for the Republic of Moldova to detach itself from a corrupt past and to ensure the irreversibility of the European development course, IPN reports.

PAS acting president Igor Grosu said there are preconditions for starting a clear European course without oscillations between the West and the East on July 11.

“After 30 years of all kinds of experiments, we now have the chance to take a clear decision and follow a definite European path, to start irreversible reforms in the fight against corruption and in the justice sector. The people are concerned about injustice, the impunity of those who robbed. Otherwise, we will continue this unsuccessful model of government that does nothing but drive the people out of the country and stop investments as investments never come to a corrupt state,” Igor Grosu stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

PPPDA leader Andrei Năstase also considers the upcoming elections are crucial. He said the struggle now is not between the West and the East, but between honest people and corrupt people.

”These elections are everything or nothing for the healthy future of the Republic of Moldova. Unlike the elections the previous years, the upcoming elections are not based on geopolitics. They bring face to face people who want European living standards and several fugitive oligarchs who are represented by their puppets,” stated Andrei Năstase.

PUN leader Octavian Țîcu said he is skeptical about the possibility of Moldova developing individually, noting the country can be integrated into the EU only though Union with Romania.

“We will be the party that, on the one hand, will ensure a pro-European government and, on the other hand, will represent the ethnic, historical, legal interests of all the Romanians. We are in a situation that we will be unable to solve alone and it should be left to the discretion of the European chancelleries, with the participation of Bucharest and Chisinau, as the solution resides in the Union,” stated Octavian Țîcu.

The representatives of the PDM said the upcoming elections are a chance for detaching ourselves from the past, but the European course cannot become irreversible if the forces of the right and center-right do not work together.

“It is hard for the pro-European voters to decide now. However, the chance of success is evident and it can be strengthened if the parties of the center-right up to the extreme right, those that really have the pro-European strategic option, reach a compromise. We must bring together all the European forces into one movement, at least an electoral one. The people are dissatisfied with the multitude of parties existing on the political arena,” said PDM vice president Monica Babuc.

Today is the last day when the candidates for member of Moldova’s Parliament can file applications to the Central Election Commission for being registered as election contenders. The election campaign for each contender starts when they are officially registered by the CEC.