The lawyers for the Valeriu Zabolotny Group said they will file a lawsuit against Gheorghe Cavcaliuc and Vitalie Busuioc because these took part in the fanbrication of the case against the Group. They will take such a step after they familiarize themselves with the argued sentence by which their clients were acquitted. The lawyers urged the prosecutors dealing with this case not to appeal the perfectly legal sentence in this case.
In a news conference at IPN, lawyer Eduard Rudenco said the law enforcement agencies should abide by the Penal Procedure Code and take action to hold those who fabricated this case uncountable. This should have done long ago, but nothing happened. For this to be done, the law enforcement agencies should start to be cleaned. “Those who now manage the law enforcement agencies are part of those cases started during the state capture that we make public. Cavcaliuc should be investigated and tried alongside other accomplices as an organized criminal group,” stated the lawyer.
According to him, namely these individuals caused huge damage, of hundreds of millions of lei, to society in Moldova, not to mention the time lost in penitentiaries by those who were unjustly jailed and the moral cost of the suffering of their relative. They should be brought to justice, but those who should be cleaned now in the prosecution service cannot clean themselves up.
In another development, the lawyer handling another case, Vladimir Curmeli, said that when Valeriu Zabolotnyi was arrested, the police carried out searches at his home even if they knew that this no longer lived there. They scared his daughter and searched the house of his mother-in-law. Zabolotnyi himself said that his arrest was rather aggressive and he was told not to oppose or he will be liquidated. The same ordered aggressive behavior was applied in the case of other relatives for the purpose of attributing the crime to his client. It was clear that it was an order as the involved institutions avoided adopting an independent decision in this case.
According to the lawyer, after he was arrested, Zabolotnyi was told that if he does not make the necessary statements, he will remain in custody. He was forced to assume the role of controller in this case and to declare that this task was entrusted to him by Carmalac. As he opposed, he was held in remand detention until he got ill. The lawyer was also pressed and almost everyone was fined for particular deviations from the court proceedings. The accused were brought to court in a poor state of health and could not take part in the trial. The court was warned about this. It was clear that this case was coordinated by someone from the upper level.
The Zabolotnyi Group consists of seven persons who were accused of murder attempt on Vlad Plahotniuc. Recently, the court found them innocent.