
Last season was benefic for farmers of Moldova


The experts of the Universal Commodity Exchange of Moldova (UCEM) ascertain that the last season was benefic for the farmers of the Republic of Moldova due to the favorable climatic conditions and price conjuncture on the world market. Recently UCEM finished the elaboration of export transactions statistics, average prices and the main trends on the agricultural market of Moldova during the agricultural year 2005-2006. According to statistics, the total volume of export transactions in 2005-2006 exceeded 445 thousand tones of cereals and oil-bearing plants, which constitutes MDL 654 million and exceeds by MDL 35 million the value of last year’s contracts. From the total transactions, the share of wheat is the most impressive – 142 thousand tones, which exceeds 14-fold the results registered in the last season. Average prices for wheat constituted USD 89 per tone of fodder wheat and USD 120.2 per one tone of food wheat. Barley comes on the second place. The total volume of transactions with barley during this period exceeded 121 thousand tones, which constitutes one half of the total country volume. Due to the huge foreign demand, the average price for one tone of Moldovan barley constituted USD 96.37, exceeding by USD 7 the average price registered in the last agricultural season. UCEM experts forecast that the high demand and the quick increase of barley’s export transactions will keep up the same pace in the new season. In this way, only during the first two weeks of July transactions on 21 thousand tones of barley of the new crop at an average price of USD 92/t were concluded, price which exceeds by USD 2 the prices registered at the beginning of the last season. Maize ranks third. 62 thousand tones of maize were exported at the average price of USD 89.3 increasing by over USD 3 per tone compared with the last season. During the first two weeks of July, 2006 the average price for Moldovan maize already reached USD 127/t. In the new season the increase in price will continue, due to the high demand on the market. During the aforementioned agricultural season, the total volume of sun-flower exports transactions amounted to 63 thousand tones, at an average price of USD 236.3. At present the UCEM has no definite results, because the export of last year’s sun flower crop continues. The volume of pea’s export transactions increased 2-fold comparing with the last year, amounting to 7.4 thousand tones at an average price of USD 109.97 per one tone. In the first weeks of July there have been performed transactions of 3 tones of pea of the new crop at an average price of USD 117 per one tone.