
Larger number of people declare real estate leasing to Tax Service


An increasing number of people inform the State Tax Service about the fact that they lease out real estate and pay income tax in this regard. As many as 24,763 real estate leasing contracts were registered, up almost 17% compared to 2022, IPN reports.

According to State Tax Service data, income tax receipts from individuals who lease out real estate in 2023 increased by 37.5% on 2022, amounting to 57.6 million lei.

As a result of voluntary compliance and information actions, 2,453 individuals leasing out real estate were identified between January and December 2023.

Also, inspections were carried out at 415 individuals who rent out real estate, with basic payments in the amount of 1 058 200 lei, late payment penalties in the amount of 116 000 lei and fines totaling 38 700 lei being additionally calculated into the budget.

The State Tax Service reminds the individuals who do not carry out entrepreneurial activities and who sign over or lease out real estate to other individuals, by using Booking, Airbnb and other platforms, that they need to pay taxes on the obtained income.

The tax constitutes 7% of the income obtained from renting out real estate. It should be paid by the date of 25 of each month.