Komsomolists defect from PCRM
A group of Komsomolists is leaving the Communists Party of Moldova and will join the United Moldova Party. “The defections from the PCRM are not chaotic. The party is splitting up and this is an irreversible process,” the Komsomolists said, adding that the United Moldova Party is an alternative to their left political ideals.
The Comsomolists (young Communist members) made the announcement in a news conference held at Info-Prim Neo on January 26.
Eugen Nichiforciuc, a member of the Central Committee of the PCRM, said he had worked with the party for two years, but decided to leave owing to the political crisis inside the Communists Party. “In April 2009, the PCRM had the most powerful team and a clear government program. It won 50% of the vote in elections and obtained 60 seats of MP. Unfortunately, a number of decisions determined by personal ambitions led to the party's dismemberment and the defeat in the early elections,” Nichiforciuc said.
The former Communist members accuse the administration of the PCRM of incapacity to come to terms with the political partners. They consider that the United Moldova Party led by Vladimir Turcan will become an important center-left force on the political arena.
Elena Mocanu, former member of the Central Committee of the Union of Communist Youth, said
there are many Komsomolists who want to join the United Moldova Party, but the Union's leader exert psychological pressure on them. “The young people want to work as part of a real, not fictitious organization that would discredit them as the Komsomolists receive cards only when they are to take part in protests, as decoration,” she said.
Sergiu Batiushka and Stanislav Skritski, who also intend to join the United Moldova Party, said the Union of Communist Youth prepared special candidates for leading posts in the PCRM, while the interests of the other young members were neglected. “Vladimir Voronin is respected by 99.9% of the members of the party, but access to him is hindered by a group of persons. Any information intended for Voronin is examined by them first so that Voronin's opinion is formed by them,” Skritski said. He refused to give names, but implied that the group is led by Mark Tkachuk.
The young persons also said that neither Vladimir Turcan nor Victor Stepaniuc made them offers, stressing the decision to join the United Moldova Party was taken by them.