
Know candidates in your constituency! No. 9: Bălți 1


Constituency No.9: Bălți 1 includes a part of Bălți town and Sadovoe suburban settlement and the localities of Pârlița and Răuțel of Fălești district. The electors there will vote at polling places No. 9/1-9/39. The candidate who wins the largest number of votes in a single-member constituency, regardless of the voter turnout, becomes the winner.

The list of candidates on the ballot is topped by the Democratic Party’s candidate Sergey Buzurnyi, an agronomist by profession. He is the mayor of Sadovoe village of Bălți municipality elected in 2015 on the Communist ticket. Sergey Buzurnyi was excluded from the Party of Communists in 2016 and in 2017 he joined the Democratic Party. For January 1 – December 26, 2017, the candidate and his wife declared over 219,000 lei salary. The family owns four pieces of land, almost 80 pieces of agricultural land, a house, a garage, commercial areas and other real estate and also three cars. The family manages the companies “ÎI “Buzurnyi Elena” and SRL “Selmax and K”.

The second place on the ballot is taken by the Party of Socialists’ candidate Alexandr Usatyi, a professor and a master of public administration. He manages the charitable foundation “Soluție” in Bălți. Alexandr Usatyi serves as a municipal councilor in Bălți. In 2007-2015, he was deputy mayor of Bălți municipality. For January 1, 2017 – December 26, 2018, the candidate and his wife declared almost 230,000 lei salary and over 14,000 lei interest earned on deposits made at financial institutions. The candidate owns two pieces of land, a garage, an apartment and parts of two apartments and of a house, and two cars.

The Shor Party’s candidate Igor Himici, a jurist, manager of SRL “HIȘIDO”, is under No. 3. For January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018, the candidate didn’t declare a salary, but his wife earned 164,000 lei salary from the company “Avia Invest”. The family declared other revenues to the value of 40,000 lei and over €12,000. Igor Himici owns a part of an apartment and two cars.

The candidate of the electoral bloc ACUM Platform DA and PAS Elena Bordianu, a teacher of Romanian language and literature, comes fourth. She now works as a project coordinator at the public organization Association of Businesswomen of Bălți municipality. The candidate is a member of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” and the deputy head of the party’s Bălți local organization. For January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018, Elena Bordianu and her husband declared almost 266,000 lei salary. She earned 120,000 lei from teaching, scientific and research activities. The woman possesses an apartment.

The Our Party’s candidate Ivan Osoianu, an economist by profession, is under No. 5. He is the director of the municipal enterprise “Aprovizionare” of Bălți. For January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018, he and his wife declared 324,000 lei salary. The family owns a piece of land, a part of a house, an apartment, a part of a garage and other real estate.

The sixth position is taken by independent Diana Grosu, a jurist by profession specialized in customs law, civic activist and anticorruption blogger. She works as a public procurement expert at the public organization Association for Human Rights Lex XXI. For January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018, the candidate declared over 561,000 lei salary and almost 13,000 lei earned from teaching, scientific and creation activities. She owns an apartment, a garage, other real estate and a car.

Independent candidate Renata Grădinaru, an economist, trainer and civic activist, is under No. 7. She works at the Resource Center for Adolescents and Youth. She is a master of philology and the head of the public association “Afina”. For January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018, she and her husband declared over 329,000 lei in salary. The candidate also gained over 10,000 lei from other sources.

The Party of Communists’ candidate Said-Muhmat Amaev, a jurist by profession, comes eighth. He works as a teacher and trainer at Sports School “B. Petuhov”. For January 1 – December 31, 2018, he and his wife declared over 248,000 lei salary. The family possesses an apartment and a car.

The IPN division “Know candidates in your constituency!” presents the candidates who compete in each single-member constituency in the order in which they were written on the ballot.