
Kindergarten in Tocuz village reopened after 22 years


There are about 300 children of preschool age in Tocuz village of Causeni district. However, the local kindergarten hadn’t worked for 22 years. On December 21, this was reopened after renovation works that lasted for several years.

Executive director of the Moldova Social Investment Fund Mircea Esanu stated for IPN that three years ago the kindergarten started to be repaired with funds allocated from the state budget and with support offered within the program of technical and financial assistance provided by the Government of Romania for preschool education institutions of Moldova. A sum of 16 million lei was used overall. The Romanian grant represented about 3.5 million lei of this.

The building was practically reconstructed, both inside and outside. The Romanian grant was used to repair the entrances to the building and the access ways to the basement. There were repaired the balconies, built the fence and stair of access to the kindergarten’s territory and paved the sidewalks. 12 sets of furniture were purchased for all the group rooms, while the kitchen and laundry were fully equipped.

The kindergarten will be attended by 263 children of 12 groups, including the crèche.