
Justice Ministry state secretary named NAC director


The National Anticorruption Center has a new director. This is Iulian Rusu, secretary of state at the Ministry of Justice, who will take up his duties on February 7 and will serve a five-year term. He was confirmed to the post by the votes of the MPs of the Party of Action and Solidarity. The MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists voted against, while the MPs of Șor Party didn’t attend the sitting, IPN reports.

The BCS MPs asked the candidate about his discussions with the former head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office Viorel Morari, which were made public by the suspended prosecutor general Alexandr Stoianoglo. Iulian Rusu said the law protects private conversations, while information about a case that is being investigated cannot be made public. This way, what Alexandr Stoianoglo did is illegal and nonprofessional.

He said that in that period, he was actively involved in the monitoring of the developments in the justice sector as a representative of civil society and his messages to Viorel Morari were aimed at providing responses to general questions, such as if he and his family were persecuted.

Iulian Rusu also said that as NAC director he will lay emphasis on prevention and transparency, mostly there were large funds circulate. As a result of an analysis of the existing files, he will propose legislative and other kinds of solutions to prevent the rigging of tender contests and to ensure control over the legal entities involved in contracts with the state. To root out petty corruptions, electronic transactions should extensively replace the use of cash. .

Former NAC director Ruslan Flocea was dismissed by Parliament on November 18 after a report presented in Parliament found that the National Anticorruption Center’s efforts to fight corruptions in January 2016 – September 2021 were unsatisfactory.