
June 1 is working day this year


June 1, when it is celebrated International Children’s Day, will be a working day this year, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection stated for IPN, making reference to the Labor Code.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova, June 1 is not a bank holiday. The previous years, except for 2020, this day was declared nonworking for public sector employees by a Government decision.

The Labor Code is based on a social partnership. When amendments to this Code are proposed, consensus should be ensured between the social partners – the Government, employers and trade unions, the Ministry responded when asked if it plans to propose an amendment to the Labor Code for June 1 to be declared nonworking.

“It is important that when drafting regulations on labor and socioeconomic relations, the rights of salary earners and of employers be not neglected. Respectively, the proposals for amending the labor legislation should guarantee the objectiveness of the proposed actions and should ensure the observance of the main principles of the social partnership.”

The Ministry noted that in the negotiations held by the social partners, it will continue to raise the given problem until a consensus is reached and this is reflected in a bill to amend Article 111 of the Labor Code.

In 2016, June 1 was included in the Parliament Decision on commemorative days, bank holidays and nonworking days in the Republic of Moldova. Since then, such an amendment hasn’t been made to the Labor Code.