
Journalist’s Oath, event organized at USM to mark World Press Freedom Day


The annual event entitled “The Journalist’s and Communicator’s Oath” took place on Wednesday at the State University of Moldova (USM), in the context of the World Press Freedom Day marked on May 3.

The event was attended by USM Rector Igor Şarov, the guests of honor Oxana Iuteş and Ludmila Andronic, graduates of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences (FJŞC), a group of visiting university professors from Bulgaria, the teaching staff and the students of the faculty.

Taking the oath, the future journalists and communicators vowed to respect the Journalist's Code of Ethics and ethical norms, to act honestly and with dedication.

FJŞC Dean Victoria Bulicanu stated that this is one of the most important, festive and solemn events organized within the Faculty of Journalism. “Today you assume some important principles and values that you should apply in your daily work. Never forget what you promised today by taking this oath”.

Journalist Oxana Iuteș spoke to the students about the opportunities that the media offers for young journalists, but also about the difficulties. “You must find the things that suit you, do your job honestly and correctly. Respect the Code of Ethics”.

Ludmila Andronic, a reputed communicator and scholar, urged the future journalists: “You must become communicators, not propagandists, do not let ephemeral values buy your talents, strive to bring knowledge, motivation and truth, crush the words found in the nets of propaganda and misinformation”.