
Job fair staged in Balti


More than 2,000 vacancies were presented in a job fair held in Balti. The event was financially supported by UNDP Moldova, which aims to help Moldovan citizens and Ukrainian refugees to find a job and to this way contribute to stopping migration, IPN reports.

“Increasing employment is a basic condition for the sustainable and equitable development of the country, for combating poverty and preventing labor migration. Through the agency of job fairs, we aim to ensure information of rapid access to employment opportunities available in the northern region of the country, especially in the municipality of Balti,” said UNDP Moldova Program Officer Zinaida Adam.

Most of the job vacancies presented at the fair are in the light industry, processing industry, trade, transport, medicine and IT. The fair in Balti involved over 300 men and women, including Ukrainian refugees who look for a job or intend to adapt.

“The National Employment Agency is in the center of the labor market. It offers support to employers and to those who look for a job. The goal of this event is to bring the demand and supply together, which is those who look for a job and those who offer one. Through the Labor Force Division, our Agency provides a series of services to persons who look for a job, information services, career guidance services and a series of measures that help the persons to integrate into the labor market,” said the director of the National Employment Agency Raisa Dogaru.

According to the database of the National Employment Agency, 13,029 job vacancies were on the register on October 25 this year. Most of the vacancies – 5,899 – were available in the municipality of Chisinau. As many as 2,100 vacant jobs were intended for persons with higher and vocational education. This is 16% of the total job vacancies.