
Iurie Reniță: We need another government and another model of head of state


Octavian Țîcu will be a President who respects the Constitution and a balanced arbitrator between all state institutions. Also, as President, Octavian Țîcu will insist on the withdrawal of Russian troops that stay illegally on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, Iurie Reniță, the representative of the candidate for President nominated by “Together” bloc, Octavian Țîcu, stated in an electoral debate hosted by IPN News Agency. According to him, if Octavian Țîcu is elected President, the presidential institution will not represent the interests of a single political party, as is currently the case.

During the debate organized by IPN News Agency, Iurie Reniță described the current period in which the Republic of Moldova finds itself as one that witnesses unprecedented openness on the part of the European Union and this an opportunity that must be fully taken.

“Unfortunately, in our country a party merged with the state. In the Soviet period and in the Voronin period, we had the same situation. But there is also the period when we have a European perspective like never before and it is our duty, and the duty of candidate Octavian Țîcu to make use of it. As never before, the European Union and other democratic states have opened their doors to us and are waiting for us, but they are waiting for us with the homework done at home. Here, we have great omissions on the part of the current government, and Octavian Țîcu said trenchantly that we need a different government, another model of head of state so that we no longer have a branch of the PAS at the President’s Office, the Government and in all state institutions. We need competent, professional people, people who over the years have proven that they can do things for the citizens,” said the representative of the candidate of “Together” bloc.

Iurie Reniță explained that if Octavian Țîcu becomes President, he will strictly comply with the provisions of the Constitution and will fulfill his duties in strict accordance with the powers stipulated in the Supreme Law.

“My conviction and the conviction of candidate Octavian Țîcu is that the duties of the head of state are stipulated by the Constitution and we must respect the Constitution, if we are honest citizens. The law is law for all. The legacy of the former governments was surely bad, but four years were enough to change things. This is why we propose a new model of governance, with competent people. The President must be an equidistant person and an arbitrator, a mediator between the state institutions. This does not bring loans to farmers as this is the Government’s duty. A responsible President goes to Parliament, discusses, proposes legislative initiatives. If we focus on the economy by talking about the President, this is electoral demagogy. It’s not the President’s job. The obligation of the head of state is to treat citizens equally and to respect the state, not to merge with the political party that promoted him/her. This is how it has been since 1991 until now, without exception,” stated Iurie Reniță.

He insisted on the need to withdraw the Russian troops that stay illegally on the left bank of the Nistru and criticized the rhetoric of some of the aspirants for the office of President, who insist on neutrality while the Russian occupation forces are on the territory of the country.

“No candidate, except for Octavian Țîcu, says who endangers the neutrality of the Republic of Moldova. Who insists that we maintain this status, but with their army of occupation on the territory of the Republic of Moldova? The term balanced foreign policy is a fib invented by Lavrov (Russian Foreign Minister – editor’s note) especially for the Republic of Moldova. Our country must pursue a wise, active foreign policy with wise people. Neutrality is a fairytale as long as we have a Russian army of occupation on our territory. When the Russian army is withdrawn, neutrality will have value. We need a professional army, according to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance,” explained the representative of the candidate of “Together” bloc.

The series of debates entitled “We analyze electoral demand and offers” were carried out by IPN News Agency during October 8-10, 2024 with support from the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the European Union.