
Iulian Chifu: Riga Summit was like a cold shower for Moldova


The Riga Summit was like a cold shower for Moldova, which must continue the reforms if it wants to become integrated into the EU, director of the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Center Iulian Chifu said in the talk show “European Horizon” on TVR Moldova channel, IPN reports.

According to Chifu, the official Chisinau’s expectations of the Riga Summit were greater, but a plus was anyway witnessed compared with the Vilnius Summit. “It was made clear that there is only one road, which is very difficult. Romania covered this road during 14 years. Moldova could cover it much faster, on condition that is has a clear pro-European parliamentary majority and there is political will in this respect,” he stated.

He added that Moldova is the main beneficiary of EU funds among the EaP countries. “The EU is waiting for reforms, results, arguments and progress so as to be able to further discuss the European road. The Government of Moldova must roll up its sleeves and start work. In Riga, Moldova got substantial funds for the SMEs to be able to enter the EU market and to cope with the competition. It received funds and expert support for doing reforms. Only political will and hard work are needed,” he stated.

As to the street protests mounted in Chisinau, Iulian Chifu said these represent political support for the European course. “Those who took to the streets protested against a corrupt government. I think none of them wants Moldova to join the Eurasian Union. They want justice to be done and those who are corrupt to be punished. They want a government that will not deceive them and will not pretend to be doing reforms,” he stated.