
It is required to create a national expert parents’ association


In Moldova there is no national association that would promote legitimate interests and contribute to the extension of parental involvement in governing educational institutions. Currently there are only associations in schools, and most of the time they are dedicated  to collecting money, instead of having as main mission the communication with the school and the transmission of the parents' wishes to school administrations.

Education policy expert Anatol Gremalschi fully supports this idea. He is one of the authors of the study "Participation of parents and representatives of communities in the governance of general education", conducted by the Institute of Public Policies, in partnership with the Center for Sociological Investigations and Marketing "CBS-AXA".

"I am firmly convinced that the Ministry of Education wants to discuss with  parents. At the national, representative level, who do you talk to? Therefore, we would call on parents to consider such a national association. They exist in all countries with traditions in education. In France, as soon as the child goes to school, the parent becomes a member of the parents' association, by law ” stated Anatol Gremalschi during a press conference at IPN.

According to the study, most often the interaction between school and parents is reduced to inviting parents to meetings. 89% of parents claimed they attended such meetings. About 56% of parents were invited to help maintain and improve school infrastructure or to contribute money. Another finding of the research is that in most cases the school administrations do not discuss with the parents the issues regarding teachers’ level of qualification (68%) or or about teachers observing pedagogical ethics (66%). There is little discussion about the choice of optional subjects (49%) or how the school money is to be spent (48%).

The authors of the study state that not involving parents in tackling important for them issues leads to a decrease in their activism. According to the survey, 60% of parents said they never tried to influence in any way the decisions made in school. About 53% of parents consider that their suggestions and opinions have little to no impact  on the decisions made by the school.

The poll surveyed 516 adults (18 yeas old and over) taking care of at least one child who attends a primary, secondary or high school.