
It is not real and opportune for children to wear masks, official


It is not real and opportune for children of early education institutions and primary schools to wear masks. “Emphasis should be placed not on masks, but on the maintaining of distance and hand hygiene and we will insist on this. As regards the wearing of masks, for students this is not mandatory if the conditions for hand hygiene are ensured, starting from washing of hands with water and soap and hand disinfection,” the director of the National Public Health Agency Nicolae Furtună stated, referring to the Ministry of Education’s initiative to oblige kindergarten children and primary school students to wear masks and gloves at education institutions.

In a news conference, Nicolae Furtună spoke about the alleged cases of reinfection with the novel coronavirus. He noted that no cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported in Moldova. ”It’s regrettable that particular ‘experts’ mislead the people without having arguments and proofs,” he stated.

In the same news conference, Svetlana Lupu, head of the Medical Services Quality Management Department, said the national hospitals face a shortage of staff, noting there are cases when teams self-isolate or are in quarantine. The Ministry of Health’s order issued in April allows for changes in the organization of work. When a person on guard must self-isolate, this is replaced by other persons from other hospitals or from inside so as to ensure the functionality of the institution.

According to a report presented by the Ministry of Health in the morning of July 3, the cases of COVID-19 in Moldova total over 17,000. Of them, 6,744 are active cases. As many as 560 persons succumbed to the disease, while 453 are in a serious state.