
Irreversibility of European integration implies strengthening dialogue with EU, Deputy Prime Minister


Moldova is the country that has experienced the greatest benefits in the Eastern Partnership following the implementation of the Association Agreement and the Free Economic Zone. This translates in practice into secure and well-paid jobs as well as exports to the common European space. This was stated by Nicu Popescu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, who is participating in the delegation led by President Maia Sandu at the Sixth Eastern Partnership Summit in Brussels.

“The irreversibility of the European integration process, the strategic objective of our country, implies strengthening our dialogue with the European Union. We will use the opportunity of our presence in Brussels to discuss with top European officials, leaders of EU member states and EaP partner countries about enhancing our interaction in political and security matters, energy and environment, cooperation in the field of justice and internal affairs”, said Nicu Popescu.

The Moldovan deputy prime minister stated that the solidarity and openness of the European Union are well known to every Moldovan thanks to the numerous projects implemented in all corners of the country with the generous support of European taxpayers. “Tomorrow in Brussels, in the presence of the Moldovan president, I will sign several agreements and documents of intent for concrete financial support in the field of infrastructure and energy efficiency,” announced Popescu.

The agenda of the national delegation’s visit includes bilateral meetings with presidents and prime ministers of EU members states, heads of the European institutions, in the format of the Associated Trio - Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine, but also with leaders from Armenia and Azerbaijan. According to the MFAEI, this fact reconfirms the strategic objective of Moldova’s foreign policy to create long-lasting friendships for the benefit of the citizens.