
Irregularities identified at Chisinau kindergarten, director penalized


Specialists of the Chisinau Public Health Center established that the regime of washing and disinfecting the plates and dishes and the food preparation technology at Kindergarten No. 100 are not respected. Inspections were carried out following the reporting of a case of food poisoning that involved two children at this institution, IPN reports.

It was determined that the affected group didn’t have an educator assistant, while the required food contamination prophylaxis measures in the cooking facilities weren’t taken.

The educators of the group attended by the two children and the cooks were tested for enteropathogenic bacteria and the results were negative. Staphyloccocus aureus 106 was yet detected in one of the educators.

Lab tests showed the water does not meet the standards. The fact that the cooler wasn’t regularly cleaned was among the reported reasons.

The kindergarten’s principal was penalized. No other cases of food poisoning were reported at this institution.