
IPP denies leak of exit poll data


The Central Election Commission (CEC) rejected the application whereby the Christian Democratic People’s Party (PPCD) demanded stopping the publication of the exit poll results. The PPDC submitted the application after the Romanian newspaper “Cotidianul.ro” published the preliminary exit poll results on its website. It is rumored that the operators of the exit polls leaked information to the press. The Public Policy Institute (IPP), which conducted the polls, denied the rumors, Info-Prim Neo reports. At 15.00, Cotidianul.ro said on its website that according to the exit poll results available at 13.00, the Communists Party polled 47% of the vote, the Liberal Democratic Party - 15%, the Liberal Party - 14%, the Democratic Party - 11%, while the Moldova Noastra Alliance – 8%”. Arcadie Barbarosie, the director of the Public Policy Institute, said that they did not provide such information as it was agreed that the preliminary results of the exit polls will be announced at 21.05. The exit polls were carried out at 200 polling stations all over Moldova. The preliminary results were made public at 21.05, immediately after the polling places were closed.