
IPN Yesterday in brief, for 27 September 2019


Polish and Romanian women less known to the general public, but who had the courage to change their country of origin, Europe and the world were presented today at an outdoor exhibition, opened at the History Museum in Chisinau. "Among the protagonists of the exhibition are fighters for independence or women's rights, pioneers in the field of sports, science or arts. It is the fascinating story of 34 Polish and Romanian women," said Bartlomiej Zdaniuk, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Chisinau. Daniel Ioniță, the ambassador of Romania in the Republic of Moldova, has mentioned that this exhibition is about the important role that women have played over time in the creation of democratic societies. "At this exhibition there are important names that have marked the recent history of Romania, women who have shown that there are no barriers. The exhibition will be open to the public until November 30.

Mihai Popșoi, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, MP of Action and Solidarity Party group, ACUM bloc, believes that the Prosecutor's Office should address the legislature with the request to lift the parliamentary immunity of some other MPs. The MPs who should be stripped of immunity belong to the Democratic Party and Șor Party groups. However, the parliamentarian does not exclude the possibility that other cases could be initiated later and requests for immunity withdrawal could be forwarded against MPs from other parties. "As long as the prosecutor is independent, no one should expect indulgence, no one has immunity in the broad sense of the word. Any MP can be stripped of immunity, regardless of the parliamentary group”, declared Mihai Popșoi. Alexandru Slusari, vice chairman of the legislature and MP of Dignity and Truth Platform Party within the ACUM bloc, says that among those whose parliamentary immunity must be lifted is the Democratic MP Andrian Candu.

he parliamentary committee investigating the bank fraud is to submit a new report on the theft of the billion by mid-October. In this report new names from the list of beneficiaries of the bank fraud will be presented. The statement belongs to MP Lilian Carp, a member of the parliamentary committee and was made on Jurnal TV. According to him, at present these names are being verified by the committee, as well as the connections between the respective persons with the three groups known in the public space: the Șor group, the Filat group and the Plahotniuc group. According to Veaceslav Negruță, the prosecutors' inaction is a crime, in fact, because they had all the information available for many years, but they set up this corridor for people to leave or change their interests, properties, thus creating major obstacles for a genuine investigation that would give a chance to recover the funds taken out of the Republic of Moldova.

The MP of the Action and Solidarity Party group, ACUM bloc, Sergiu Litvinenco, says that if the current composition of the Superior Council of Magistracy is revoked, the possibility of withdrawing the immunity of some judges could be blocked, if this is requested by the interim Prosecutor General. "There is a group of judges who do not want the CSM to give its consent, in the event that the Prosecutor General still makes such requests. It happened in the case of Ion Druta, chairman of the Supreme Court of Justice, who rendered the final judgment on maintaining the annulment of the local elections in Chisinau municipality, said the deputy. MP Igor Munteanu argues that this unity of judges, that are trying to endanger the change that is foreshadowed on the horizon, wants to counteract any kind of initiative to put things in order in the judicial system. "It’s a kind of justice against justice. The reaction of those judges who have been involved in some cases very much detested by the population and criticized everywhere shows very clearly that in the judiciary there is a strong reactionary trend against any attempts to change the rules of the game,” says the parliamentarian. The Superior Council of Magistracy argues that there is no legal basis for the participation of judges in the General Assembly of Judges convened on September 27 according to the Conclusion of the Chisinau Court of Appeal of September 24. The Council decided to inform the judges of the courts that the conclusion of the Court of September 24 can be appealed, and that it is not a final and enforceable conclusion. The Superior Council of Magistracy specifies that it will contest it within the term provided by law.

The contest for the election of the prosecutor general has been suspended, and the files submitted for filling this position will be returned to the applicants. A decision in this regard was approved by the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP). Asked what was her attitude towards the amendments made to the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, Angela Motuzoc, stated that "the CSP will comply with the provisions in force".

"As president of the Republic of Moldova I avail myself of every opportunity to request the de facto recognition and observance of the neutrality status of my country." Igor Dodon's speech was delivered within the framework of the general debates of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly.

Action and Solidarity Party dissociates from president Igor Dodon’s speech at the un rostrum as One cannot request de facto recognition and respect of the neutrality of a state at the same time trying to cover up the existence of occupation troops on that state’s territory. "Action and Solidarity Party expresses its disagreement with the incoherent and inconsistent position of President Igor Dodon on the issue of the illegal presence of foreign military troops on the territory of the Republic of Moldova," a PAS statement said. Yet the Socialist Party of the Republic of Moldova made a statement that the party shares the President’s approach.

"I realized that during the last years, especially in the last two years, the PCCOCS and INI authorities have only pretended to fight drug trafficking in the Republic of Moldova in the case of Proteanu (alias Borman). They are fabricating cases against innocent people, for the only purpose of distracting the public attention from the real criminals”, declared Ala Raevschi. "The country is in danger, the population’s health is in danger, because drugs continue to circulate under the cover of law enforcement authorities. They found a scapegoat and continue to do what they used to do,” said Ala Raevschi. Lawyer Ala Raevschi claims the information of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases that Oleg Pruteanu has been detained on September 20, 2019 is false. According to her, in fact, Pruteanu has not been released in 2018, as prosecutors say, but is in continuous detention for 25 months, without a sentence.

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