
IPN Yesterday in brief, for 13 September


Asked why PCRM did not put forward a mayoral candidate, Vladimir Voronin answered that the party does not need this. In his opinion, whoever is elected mayor will not be able to effectively govern, because, first of all, the Law on the status of the Chișinău municipality must be revised. "The law has a lot of errors, which leads to a lot of problems. The powers of the mayor and of the Chișinău Municipal Council must be redefined. Once and for all, it has to be clarified what's with the settlements that constitute Chișinău municipality”, said the politician. Moreover, Vladimir Voronin said that the municipality of Chișinău could turn up having two mayors at the same time. He argues that in the previous elections, the leader of the PPDA, Andrei Năstase, won the popular vote. If the European Court of Human Rights rules that the previous court's decision to invalidate his mandate was incorrect, while another candidate is elected mayor on October 20, then we could find ourselves in an embarrassing situation with two mayors.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Internal Affairs, Andrei Nastase, announced that on September 21, after his return from the planned visit to the United States of America, he would enter the election campaign for the position of mayor of Chisinau municipality. "I hope all goes well by then. I hope I will submit all the documents on time and in order and on the 21st I will invite all supporters from the city and from outside to be with the ACUM Bloc candidate”, declared Andrei Năstase.

For the snap parliamentary elections set on October 20, 27 polling stations will be opened within the headquarters of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova. Additionally, 58 polling stations will be open. Most are in Italy (29 sections), Romania (12) and France (7). A number of polling stations ranging from 1 to 5 will be open in other countries. Snap parliamentary elections will be held in four uninominal constituencies: no.17, 33, 48 and 50.

Society is increasingly interested in the current relation between the components of the governance. Both supporters and opponents of the current government are interested in it, both have expectations in this regard. Supporters hope that the relations will be good facilitating the achievement of the previously announced goals. While opponents are hoping for a speedy and complete deterioration of these relations, so that this ruling coalition breaks down and other governing configurations are established. Whose hopes are more justified and what can follow as a result of both possible scenarios was the subject discussed by the participants in the public debates on "Relations between the governance components: practice, expectations, challenges" topic, organized by the IPN Press Agency and Radio Moldova.

If the alliance between ACUM bloc and PSRM breaks down, early parliamentary elections, based on the mixed system, would ensue and at the rating that it has, the PSRM will win in the uninominal constituencies. The statement was made by expert Igor Botan in the public debates on "Relations between governance components: practice, expectations, challenges" subject, 116th edition of "Development of political culture in public debates" cycle, organized by IPN Press Agency and Radio Moldova. "Do ACUM Bloc critics want a situation in which the PSRM will win the early elections? The mixed system clearly favours PSRM. Yes, ACUM bloc must be criticized, the alliance must be criticized, but those who criticize do not have whom to put forward for the elections,” said Igor Botan.. "The ACUM Bloc has concerns due to the high expectations of citizens. Compared to the current situation when there are three parliamentary groups, it was easier to govern when there was a single group, as it was in Plahotniuc' s case, when they could easily take a decision, implement it, then move forward", pointed out Dinu Plîngău, MP of DA Platform group, ACUM Bloc.

Chisinau-Ungheni railway line is to be rehabilitated as part of a modernization project, under which a financial loan will be granted on preferential conditions. "Funds granted by the French Government will be earmarked for purchasing automated equipment and rehabilitation of railway segments of Chisinau-Ungheni section. This project is a strategic one for our country and will substantially improve the connection of the Moldovan rail network to the Romanian and European ones”, mentioned Vadim Brînzan, quoted by a MEI press release.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments to the Law of the Prosecutor's Office. The amendments refer to the election of the Prosecutor General. Namely, the Ministry of Justice will set up a commission that will pre-select candidates.The Commission will select two or three candidates to be proposed to Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) for determining which of them deserves to be appointed to this position. Prime Minister Maia Sandu said that this was not an interference in the competences of the prosecution bodies. But the Government cannot ignore this aspect as it has announced the judiciary reform that citizens expect to be a priority.

Firefighters were asked this morning, September 13, to put out a fire that broke out in a hotel in the center of the capital. According to the General inspectorate for emergency situations, the fire broke out in a room on the sixth floor of the hotel located on Vlaicu Pârcălab street. Firefighters were able to locate the fire in about a quarter of an hour. A man suffered burns to his hands and face, while a woman suffered from mild poisoning due to smoke.

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