
IPN Yesterday in brief, for 10 September 2019


47% of the population of the Republic of Moldova constitute a vulnerable social group and barely eke out a living. "Unequal Moldova" Study shows that most affected by poverty are the elderly, especially women. 55% of households with people with disabilities say that water and sewerage services are very expensive for them, while for Roma this figure accounts for 66%. Farmers are also in a difficult situation. "Although we are considered an agricultural country, farmers have not recorded any revenue since 2006, which means that farmers’ earnings are non-monetary. They do not benefit from social allowances, they have informal incomes and they do not receive remittances”, concludes Alina Andronache, in charge of Public Relations and Advocacy at the Partnership for Development Centre.

President Igor Dodon's statements regarding the discount price for gas delivered by the Russian Federation are made in the context of general local elections which are important for the next parliamentary elections. This is the opinion of the Democrat MP Monica Babuc and ACUM Bloc MP Dinu Plîngău. According to them, the gas price is decreasing at international level, that is why the reduction of tariff for Moldova would not be a merit of the head of state. Socialist deputy Vasile Bolea disagrees with this view. The statements were made on "Punctul pe azi " TVR Moldova's show, IPN reports.

Seven candidacies were submitted in the contest for the position of Prosecutor General. The last six have been submitted today, September 10, the last day for file submission. Within five working days of the deadline expiry, the list of candidates, their CVs, letters of motivation and their institutional management and development concept of the Prosecutor's Office will be published on the official website of the Superior Council of Prosecutors and will be presented by each candidate.

The political commentator Anatol Țăranu believes that the recent extraordinary Congress of the Democratic Party generated more questions than answers. According to him, the Congress had to answer the question whether the PDM remains on the political scene as a force that will shape the political landscape of Moldova in the future or will it share the fate of all those parties that have risen to prominence for a while, then after a spectacular failure were buried by the sands of time. "I would use the metaphor - the Congress of the withered roses. The question is whether the PDM will be reborn or will it completely dry out? During the Congress, I did not see how PDM wants to be reborn. Speeches were held, yet no projects were put forward”, says Anatol Țăranu.

Ion Diacov, former prosecutor of Chisinau municipality, is the candidate of Our Party (Partidul Nostru) for the Mayor’s position at the general local elections on October 20. He accepted to run on Our Party list because "running as an independent candidate is a very difficult issue and the concept is that you must have support in the council". Ion Diacov says he wants the city to "stand on its own feet". He wants to save Chisinau "from the mire where it has been for the last 20 years". Our Party will enter the race with the slogan: "Let’s Save Chisinau Together!"

The team of the municipal councillor Victor Chironda runs for capital mayor’s office and for Chisinau municipal council on the platform of "New Force" (Forța Nouă) social-political movement as politically unaffiliated candidates. "Our vision for Chisinau is clear and feasible, we want a city that offers people opportunities, comforts and safety”, said Victor Chironda. The "New Force" social-political movement was founded in 1997. Currently, the chairman of the movement is former defense minister Valeriu Pleșca.

President Igor Dodon argues that in order to join the Eurasian Union, all agreements signed with the European Union must be cancelled, including the Association Agreement with the EU. "There are no other options, because they contradict each other. This is the observer status, which we have now that allows us to keep these agreements. And this principle of balanced foreign policy, which we have discussed and keep attaining systemically, step by step, trying to implement it, resides in making friends with everyone. But this is not so simple,” noted Igor Dodon.

The locals from the villages of Chetrosu and Merenii Noi, Anenii Noi district, organized a protest on Monday, September 9, on the bridge over the river Bâc. People say they can no longer bear the unpleasant stench that has been increasingly felt lately. The residents signed a petition addressed to state leadership and to the relevant parliamentary committee, which describes the pollution of the Bâc river and the consequences of this phenomenon. "We do not ask for Moțoc’s head, but we all want to sit at the negotiating table with the local public authorities, with the municipal authorities, with the central bodies, the Parliament, the Government, the responsible bodies, including from" Apă-Canal Chișinău", as to identify a long-term solution”, said the local councillor Arcadie Baciu.

Law enforcement bodies have filed a criminal case in connection with the procurement procedure for 31 buses in the capital city. The press officer of the General Inspectorate of Police, Mariana Bețivu, told IPN that this was a criminal case initiated for "abuse of power or abuse of service". The new transport units arrived in Chisinau in February this year. In the public space there were discussions about suspicions that an intermediary bought the buses and sold them to Chisinau municipality, appropriating the price difference.

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