
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of November 13-19, 2017


IPN on November 13 published an OP-ED article entitled “Moderation of Euroskepticism of President Dodon, Moldova-EU trade and resuscitation of pro-European sympathies”, which was written by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. The article author says that even if the old pro-UE forces are discredited or collapsed and the new ones haven’t yet come into possession of instruments of power, as polls show, the pro-European sympathies recover. Simultaneously with the multiplication of the pro-European disposition, the support for the Eurasian Union decreases. Read more…


The European Parliament adopted a resolution with recommendations on the next Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit proposed by the Foreign Affairs Committee. In his speech in Parliament, the Committee’s deputy chairman Andi Cristea said that three years after the signing of Association Agreements with Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, new dynamism is needed in the EU’s approach to the Eastern Partnership. Read more…


Minister of Finance Octavian Armasu and National Bank Governor Sergiu Cioclea were empowered to sign the lending agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on €100 million in macro-financial assistance and the memorandum of understanding as a component part of this agreement by a Government decision. Read more…


The bill to introduce the European course as the strategic foreign policy course into the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova will appear in two-three weeks, stated Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu. According to the Speaker, there was set up a working group that consists of MPs of several parliamentary groups. These have discussions with constitutional law and foreign policy experts. The deadline for presenting the bill is the end of this November. Read more…


Pellet and briquette producers from the Republic of Moldova are accessing new markets due to the quality certificates issued by the only accredited laboratory in the country, which tests physical and chemical parameters of the biofuel. The Solid Biofuel Laboratory of the Agrarian University was accredited one year ago thanks to the modern equipment in value of €100,000 received from the European Union, in the framework of the Moldova Energy and Biomass Project. Read more…


Exports to the European Union will continue to grow with the support of the Deep an Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement ((DCFTA), fostering Moldova’s economic development, said Ricardo Giucci, leader of the German Economic Team Moldova, who carried out a study of the impact of the Free Trade Agreement on trade in the Republic of Moldova, including the role of foreign direct investment in the Moldovan economy. The study presented by the German experts points to a clear reorientation of Moldova’s exports to the EU. Read more…


The Russian Federation will never accept the extension of the borders of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization by embracing the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, the enlargement to the Balkan Peninsula, not to the East, is the EU’s priority for the next decades. The only solution for the Moldovan citizens to become European is for Moldova to unite with Romania, ex-Romanian President Traian Basescu stated in a meeting with students of the Moldova Free International University (ULIM). Read more…


Poland supports Moldova in its European integration and modernization efforts. In a meeting with Prime Minister Pavel Filip, the new Polish Ambassador in Chisinau Bartłomiej Zdaniuk said Poland is a good friend of Moldova and it is interested in developing projects in all the sectors of mutual interest. Pavel Filip approved of the assistance provided by Poland to Moldova at bilateral level and in the European integration process. Read more…


The recommendations of the Venice Commission and the OSCE about the adoption of the law on the mixed-member electoral system weren’t respected in a satisfactory way that would have allowed to say that no questions are generated, Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko stated in a TV program. As regards the macro-financial assistance, Peter Michalko said work is now done on the memorandum based on which the €100 million in macro-financial assistance will be provided. Read more...


The participants in the third Media Forum of Moldova that took place in Chisinau during November 14-15, 2017 adopted a Resolution whereby they condemn the lack of coherent public policies to limit monopolies in the mass media and related areas. The Forum participants requested the authroties to supplement the national action plan for implementing the Moldova – EU Association Agreement on the media segment and to strengthen cooperation with civil society and the mass media so as to achieve the objectives set by the Media Forum. Read more…


The technical conditions for obtaining macro-financial support from the EU will be fulfilled by the end of this November, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Iurie Leanca, the leader of the European People’s Party of Moldova, stated in a TV program. Iurie Leanca noted that to get the first tranche of macro-financial assistance from the European Union, the Republic of Moldova should meet ten technical conditions. Read more…


The task of the opposition of the right is to rally in the parliamentary elections of next year the critical mass of people who believe in democracy against the Plahotniuc-Dodon duo, despite the disappointment experienced because of poor governance, the leader of the Party “Action and Solidary” (PAS) Maia Sandu stated in a TV program. As to the accusations that representatives of the opposition of the right go and discuss the internal situation with European officials, Maia Sandu said when the democratic process in a country is in danger, as it is in Moldova, things should not be discussed in the country only. Help should be thought from the country’s development partners. Read more…


The first Twinning project on cultural heritage, to the value of €1 million provided by the European Union, was launched in Chisinau on November 17. Within the project, experts from Italy will provide assistance to specialized institutions of Moldova in consolidating the implementation of the legal framework and improving governance in the field of cultural heritage protection. The project will help strengthen the capacity of specialists and the institutional, legislation knowing and heritage protection capacities.  EU Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko said cultural diversity, arts and cultural heritage are essential elements for developing an open mind. Read more…


What practices of Lithuania’s European path can be borrowed by the Republic of Moldova in its rapprochement with the EU? Which are the tasks and challenges witnessed in this process and which are the expectations of the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit? These and other topics were discussed in an interview given in Vilnius to IPN’s reporter Elena Nistor by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Lithuania Darius Skusevičius. Read more…


The ex-president of the Central Election Commission Iurie Ciocan, who also headed the commission for the establishment of single-member constituencies, tried to explain the controversial decisions on the number of constituencies set up in Transnistria (two) and the diaspora in Europe (one). The authors of a new Sic! article say Iurie Ciocan, speaking as a “technician”, invoked the recommendations of the Venice Commission and the theory of political sciences. “In both of the cases yet, he was wrong, either out of ignorance or because he wanted to manipulate,” reads the article. Read more…

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.