
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of January 29 – February 4


IPN on January 29 published an OP-ED article entitled “Moldova and position of EaP leader between forced reforms and advantage of regional comparison” that was written by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. The author said the cumulative progress made by Moldova in relation to the European Union in 2015-2016 was sufficient for Moldova to remain on leading positions within the Eastern Partnership. Read more…


Seven media nongovernmental organizations expressed their concern about the signals of cartel agreements on the advertising market, which further distort the broadcasting sector of Moldova, which already witnesses multiple irregularities and shortcomings. Recently, four TV channels filed a complaint to the Competition Council whereby they request to investigate the suspicion that two advertising agencies implemented anti-competitive practices by which the competition on the advertising market was restricted. The NGOs asked the Competition Council to examine the complaint of the four TV channels taking into account the good competition practices on the media markets of the EU member states. Read more…


Moldova is interested in stimulating the relations between entrepreneurs from Moldova and the United Arab Emirates, including by starting companies with joint capital, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in a meeting with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed. Pavel Filip reminded that Moldova has a Free Trade Agreement with the EU and Turkey, which are important markets. Read more…


The administration of SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) promises that the unpleasant smell emitted by the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Chisinau will disappear in less than three years. It will happen thanks to a renovation project launched on January 29 within which new sludge treatment facilities will be put into operation. The project is financed with loans totaling €61.8 million provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank and with an investment grant from EU’s Neighborhood Investment Facility. Read more…


Reforms should have been done in the justice sector of the Republic of Moldova in the past, but there was no political will in this regard. Currently, reforms are mainly done in areas related to the economy, were the situation has improved, Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau Peter Michalko stated in a TV program. According to him, such a slow pace of doing reforms in the justice sector is not desired, especially for the ordinary people. Read more…


The 27th exhibit “Made in Moldova”, which is traditionally staged by the Chamber of Trade and Industry under the auspices of the Government of Moldova, was inaugurated at the exhibitions center “Moldexpo” on January 31 and will continue until February 4. Attending the inaugural ceremony, Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko said the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU and of the Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement as an integral part of the first enabled the Moldovan businesses to increase exports to the EU market. Read more…


The Cabinet approved the legislative initiative to amend the preamble and Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and stipulate Moldova’s European integration aspirations and the promotion of its orientation to the European democratic system of values in these. The bill provides that the procedure for subscribing to the founding treaties of the European Union will be defined by Parliament in an organic law. The bill can be adopted after at least six months of the presentation of the proposal to amend the Constitution. Read more…


Moldova got a score of 58 out of 100 and was placed 33rd among 115 states in the Open Budget Index in which it was included first in 2017. Marco Gemmer, Deputy Head of Operations Section at the EU Delegation to Moldova, said the survey results are not a surprise as a part of them served as a condition for providing EU assistance. Read more…


All the parties that claim to be of the center-right, either Europeanist or unionist, should hold negotiations to combine forces or to coordinate actions so that the left does not come to power in 2018, the leader of the National Liberal Party Vitalia Pavlichenco stated in a TV program. Read more…


The Government of Moldova is a reliable partner of the Romanian authorities and it is ready to continue the bilateral projects of increased interest, Prime Minister Pavel Filip stated in a telephone discussion with his Romanian counterpart Viorica Dancila. Prime Minister Vasilica-Viorica Dancila said that Romania is firmly committed to support Moldova’s European course and the implementation of reforms for the people’s benefit. Read more…


President Igor Dodon said the Government headed by Pavel Filip acted against the will of the people when it approved the legislative initiative to stipulate Moldova’s European integration aspirations in the Constitution. The President considers the given initiative, proposed by the Democratic Party, and its approval by the Cabinet are a provocation aimed at further dividing Moldovan society. Read more…


In a recent interview, the Transnistrian leader Vadim Krasnoselski said, rejecting the rumors about a possible escalation of the situation in the eastern districts of Moldova, that there will be no war. According to historian and publicist Gheorghe Cojocaru, it is practically for the first time that the Transnistrian leaders, who usually issued all kinds of bellicose warnings, make such trenchant statements. This shows that the Transnistrian administration realizes that peace is more profitable for their economy. The European Union, in fact, does not want areas with a destabilizing potential at its borders and encourages peaceful cooperation between conflicting sides. Read more…


The union wanted by a part of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova means civil war, President Igor Dodon stated in a TV program. The President noted he will use all the legal ways to prevent the liquidation of Moldovan statehood. As to the fact that the current government wants to enshrine the European integration course of Moldova in the Constitution, President Dodon said this is nothing else but a PR action. Read more…


The European Union will assist the Republic of Moldova in strengthening the legal and normative quality infrastructure and market surveillance frameworks in accordance with the European standards, in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement that includes the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). A relevant three-year project was launched on February 2. Read more…


The decline in the democracy index should worry the political class and also the whole society. As long as the Republic of Moldova continues to follow the path of European integration, to an area where democracy is at home, this decline is disappointing. Such opinions were stated in a TV program. According to the Democracy Index 2017 compiled by British researchers, the state of democracy in Moldova has worsened, slipping from defective democracy to a hybrid regime. Read more…


The enshrining of the European course in the Constitution can be interpreted as intention to extend the voter base, chairman of the Center for Initiatives and Public Authorities Monitoring Ion Dron stated in a TV program. “As the PLDM broke up in parts, the stipulation of the European curse could be an attraction point for voters,” said Ion Dron. Jurist Pavel Midrigan said the government can suggest nothing else and thus wants to enshrine the European course in the Constitution. Read more...


In the Republic of Moldova, they consume more milk than it is produced. That’s why the dairy producers use vegetable fats in production. If they import animal fats, the finished milk products will be more expensive, stated nutritionist Sergiu Munteanu. To improve the quality of the milk produced in Moldova, the state should decide its role in this field of agriculture, while the milk collecting and processing companies should adjust production processes to the EU standards. Read more...

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.