
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of February 12-18, 2018


IPN on January 12 published an OP-ED article entitled “EU assistance for Moldova, hastening of reforms and government’s survival”, which was written by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. The author said that if the EU took a decision based on the assessments of civil society, Moldova should not receive the first installment of the macro-financial assistance. Neither the political nor the sector preconditions were completely met. Read more ...


The Republic of Moldova can become a functional state only by integration into the European Union. If the necessary reforms are made, it is real for Moldova to submit an application for EU membership in two-three years, if the government remains pro-European, stated Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Iurie Leanca. Read more ...


The European Parliament voted in favor of retaining the same time all-year round and of abolishing daylight saving time. The Government of Moldova will take a decision to this effect after the Council of Europe approves the given changes. Read more ...


The Cabinet on February 14 approved a bill to amend and supplement the Law on Water in a move to adjust the national legislation to the Community acquis. According to the bill, a comprehensive analysis of protected areas will be carried out so as to contribute to the more efficient planning and implementation of measures to protect and improve the quality of water. Read more ...


The Republic of Moldova is at a stage when many good things start to occur, especially at economic level. Compared with 2015-2016, when the banking sector was in a crisis, significant progress has been made now and many things have improved, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Suma Chakrabarti stated in a news conference in Chisinau. Read more ...


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has appointed Angela Sax the new head of office for its operations in Moldova. A senior banker, Angela Sax was introduced to the local authorities today, February 14, by EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti during a visit to the capital Chisinau. She will take up her new post in April 2018. Read more ...


Corruption is the main problem and impediment in the subsequent development of the Republic of Moldova, U.S. Ambassador in Chisinau James Pettit stated in a TV program. He said he saw few reforms in the Republic of Moldova the past year and the Government invented different bills that do not fully meet the European standards, the requirements of the International Monetary Fund and the Association Agreement with the EU. Instead, he saw a lot of results in terms of reforms in the economic sector. Read more ...


More than 200,000 inhabitants of Moldova will benefit from improved water supply and energy infrastructure following the implementation of 18 initiatives that will be supported by the European Union until 2020. The budget totals €43 million. Read more ...


High-ranking officials in Brussels highlighted once again that they want to see results and the support that the Republic of Moldova receives should be put to good use to benefit the people, diplomat and former Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mihai Camerzan said, commenting on the statements made by Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn in a meeting with Moldovan Minister of Foreign Affairs Tudor Ulianovschi. Read more ...


“What is going on in Chisinau municipality now seems more like cleaning out of the stables of the legendary Augias, but also thrillers in which a “good” killer unlawfully murders all the “bad” ones who once offended this personally or the one who ordered the murder. But in our case, hope that good things can be done by legal, democratic ways is also annihilated...”  This is a passage from the IPN analysis “Mucking out of stables and of hopes in Chisinau, signed by Valeriu Vasilica, about the discrepancies between the pro-European statements of the Moldovan authorities and the less democratic practice felt especially at the level of the administration of the capital city. The author sees in this situation an analogy with the Moldova – EU relations: ”The Venice Commission had an argument worth €100 million from the EU in favor of its recommendations not to change the election system, but this wasn’t sufficiently convincing for the Moldovan government. Read more ...


The Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau Peter Michalko called on the political forces of the Republic of Moldova not to use the practice of exerting pressure on people at the local and regional levels for political reasons or other interests. According to him, sometimes this information says the people risk losing their jobs. Read more ...


The exports of all categories of fruit last year increased substantially to all the markets - the European Union, Russia and the whole Commonwealth of Independent States. About 4,000 tonnes of apples for processing and over 2,000 tonnes of apples for being consumed fresh were exported to the EU. Moldova’s exports of plums to the EU came to 20,000 tonnes. Grape exports also rose. Read more ...


Dozens of young people from the Republic of Moldova took part in two cultural contests staged by the Embassy of Poland in Moldova the fifth consecutive year. The paintings were exhibited at the residence of the Polish ambassador to Moldova on February 15. These include works made by 95 competitors from six education institutions of Moldova. Read more ...


The Republic of Moldova is determined to keep up the pace of implementing the conditions agreed with the EU and undertakes to accelerate the given process even if 2018 is an electoral year, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said in a meeting with Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn held on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. Read more ...


The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.