
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of December 25-31, 2017


2017 marked three years of EU-Moldova Association Agreement implementation. The EU-Moldova Association Agreement is not just a cooperation framework; it also shows Moldova’s development orientation. Signing the Association Agreement in 2014 has been a major event for Moldova, thus strengthening our European aspirations, and continued implementation, regardless of internal issues, is a proof of the irreversible nature of this process. This and other results achieved in the field of European integration can be read in an article of a yearend IPN campaign entitled “The Goods of 2017 in Foreign Policy”. Read more…


IPN on December 26 published an OP-ED article entitled “Ten predictions for 2018: Electoral test for the European course, resurgence of the pro-Russian forces”, which was written by expert in political sciences Dionis Cenusa. The past year has perpetuated the people’s confusion about the direction the country should take. European partners also remain uncertain about the seriousness of the undertaken reforms. Society is still somewhat divided, although recent polls show a return to the positive situation of November 2013, when 47% of the people were in favor of joining the EU. Read more…


The parliamentary elections will dominate the public agenda in 2018 and will influence the behavior of the elites regardless of their geopolitical orientation, political pundit Dionis Cenusa writes in an OP-ED for IPN where he lists his predictions for 2018. Read more…


European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM) experts have submitted to Moldovan authorities a set of recommendations for adjusting the National Laboratory for Medication Quality Control to the requirements of the European network of laboratories in this field. The European network member status allows for reciprocal acknowledgement, within the EU, of national lab tests, standardizing work methods within the network through the implementation and maintenance of a quality management system. Read more…


The companies on the left bank of the Nistru river export 40% of their products to European Union states, and the Tiraspol alleged authorities are ready to extend the Free Trade Agreement for the coming year, but Chisinau ought to insist on them respecting the responsibilities they have assumed. Read more…


Exports to the European Union in 2017 grew and agricultural producers made use of the new markets. The fact that exports to the EU have surpassed the forecasts show that ever more local producers raise their quality to European standards, and prove that the EU market is open for Moldova, a great hope for the future. This and other results in the European integration sector are presented in an IPN article entitled “The Goods of 2017 in Agriculture”. Read more…


For the first time after the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union, which includes the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, export quotas in 2017 were surpassed, due to plum exports. For the first time, there were exported cherries to the EU. The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment said this is one of the accomplishments of 2017. Read more


2017 witnessed the introduction of political criteria for macro-financial assistance. For the first time in the history of Moldova-EU relations, the granting of macro-financial assistance will depend on the degree of democracy practiced by the Government. In an answer offered to IPN, Independent Think Tank Expert-Grup notes that this creates additional pressure on the Government to implement reforms in the field of justice or mass media, but doesn’t guarantee the exclusion of the mixed voting system that was adopted in the spring of 2017. Read more…


2017 witnessed the approval of the 2017-2019 Moldova-EU Association Agenda. The Association Agenda is a joint document that details the implementation of the Moldova-EU Association Agreement. In that sense, on 19 August 2017, the Official Journal of the European Union has published the new Association Agenda, which defines high-priority implementation fields within the Association Agreement, for the 2017-2019 period. Alongside European institutions, the Government has elaborated a plan that will help intensify the European integration process, and a faster approach towards Europe by the citizens. These and other results in the European integration area are presented in an IPN article entitled “The Goods of 2017 in European Integration”. Read more…

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.