
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of April 16-22, 2018


IPN on April 17 published an OP-ED article entitled “Moldova’s energy dependence, avoidance of transparency and ignoring of debt for Russian gas”, written by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. The author said the by not paying for Russian gas the Transnistrian region can reduce production costs and increase the competitiveness of its goods, including of those that are exported to the EU based on the DCFTA. The non-solving of the problem of gas debt affects predictability in relation to the whole energy sector. Read more…


The United States will offer the Republic of Moldova full support for coming closer to the European Union and the U.S., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell said in a meeting with Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu, who paid a visit to Washington. “We are impressed by the efforts made by Moldova to do reforms and encourage you to continue,” stated the U.S. official. Read more…


The European Union plans to reinforce its support to Cahul and Ungheni regions in the Republic of Moldova to boost local social-economic development and reduce the gap between Chisinau and the rest of the Republic of Moldova. European Commission Director for the EU’s Eastern Neighborhood Lawrence Meredith was in Cahul today to meet with local authorities and visit the local business incubator recently established with EU support. Read more…


This year’s parliamentary elections are the first in the Republic of Moldova that can be predicted, which shows that the state of democracy worsened. In case of authentic democracy, the election outcome cannot be forecast so precisely, political analyst Alexei Tulbure, Moldova’s ex-ambassador to the UN, said in a TV program. He noted that if the Europeans become fully disappointed in the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the current government’s chances of enjoying the results of the future elections are minimal as a government that is not supported inside the country and outside it cannot remain in power. Read more…


The Government remains focused on the implementation of reforms, including the ‘small reform’ in justice, and it is important for Moldova to feel the European Union’s assistance in implementing these. In this regard, an important role is played by the macro-financial assistance and the budget support programs, stated Prime Minister Pavel Filip, who had a meeting with the EU Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko and Director of Neighborhood East at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Lawrence Meredith. Read more…


To have functional electoral democracy, the Republic of Moldova needs an efficient, functional and correct legal framework. The new electoral system adopted last summer makes Moldova face many challenges before the election campaign prior to this autumn’s parliamentary elections, said participants in the international conference “Towards functional electoral democracy in the Republic of Moldova”. According to Peter Michalko, Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau, if the Republic of Moldova organizes free and fair elections, this will strengthen democracy in the country. Read more…


The Republic of Moldova is now at a prolonged transition stage even if there are no standards as to how long a period of transition from a totalitarian regime to a democratic one should be, Alexandru Solcan, dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences of the State University of Moldova, stated in a talk show. Alexandru Cauia, head of the youth organization of the Democratic Party, said that the European Union was a very god teacher in providing information, counting on the fact that Moldova was eager to learn. Read more…


Negotiations to support the common candidate for the mayoralty of Chisinau fielded by the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” and the Party “Action and Solidarity”, Andrei Nastase, can be yet held on the right. Such an opinion was stated in a talk show. Political analyst Anatol Taranu said the pro-European opposition in the local elections in Chisinau is unpardonably fragmented. “Regrettably, the pro-European opposition does not have a common candidate. There was announced a common candidate, but this didn’t become common in the perception of the voters and of the politicians of the pro-European segment,” stated Anatol Taranu. Read more…


By rejecting the resolution on the blocking of the macro-financial assistance intended for the Republic of Moldova, the European Parliament chose the lesser evil, Liberal MP Lilian Carp stated in a TV program. Editorialist Nicolae Negru said the European Parliament’s decision was taken in connection with the organization of the May 2 meeting of the Moldova - EU Association Council and in the context of the May 20 local elections. Spokesman for the Democratic Party Vitalie Gamurari said that by rejecting the resolution, the European Parliament showed support for Moldova’s European course. Read more…


Ex-minister of foreign affairs of Romania Adrian Cioroianu said the encouragement of a pro-European policy is now the best and most efficient solution for the Republic of Moldova to come closer to Romania. In an interview for a radio station, Adrian Cioroianu noted he says this because Moldova needs governmental policies that haven’t been implemented after 1990. Adrian Cioroianu stated that today they speak less about Moldova’s European perspective than in 2010-2012. Read more…


Minister for Romanians Everywhere Natalia Elena Intotero, who is in Chisinau on a working visit, said the Romanian authorities will continue to support the European course of Moldova, providing the necessary assistance. “The past two days were full of good meetings that will result in projects in support of the compatriots. I had a fruitful dialogue,” the minister stated in a news conference at Romania’s Embassy in Chisinau. During two days while in Moldova, the Romanian official had a series of meetings. Read more…


The jointly operated Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing point Palanca, which is now under construction, will be inaugurated at the end of this year, in December. The persons who will cross the border will be subject to one check and the waiting time in the customs post will decrease by about 20%, stated Prime Minister Pavel Filip, who made an inspection visit to the building site in Palanca. “Namely Palanca can be named a symbol of the European Union. The EU offered €4.5 million for building this and for ensuring high-quality services, including access roads,” stated Pavel Filip. Read more…


The Romanian language should be promoted in school and society through the teaching process. The teachers are the main players as it depends on them how well those who study the language integrate into society. The studying of the Romanian language as the mother or foreign tongue in the context of the European values was discussed in a scientific-practical conference staged by the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport of the Chisinau Municipal Council. Read more…

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.