


JULY DIGEST. Most important news articles of „IPN Chișinău” news flow

July 1: Thirteen more couples were last week added to the municipal in vitro fertilization program. According to the General Medical and Social Assistance Division, the dynamics are good and the number of beneficiaries of the program is expected to reach 100 by October. The subject was discussed at the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

July 2: Members of youth organizations and councils are encouraged to apply for the “Chisinau for the European Youth Capital 2027” summer school. The municipal Education Directorate says the school aims to create a platform where young people can discuss and discover opportunities for development and civic involvement together.

July 4: In the past four years, the municipality has built, reopened and extensively repaired 132 creche groups, including six kindergartens in Chisinau. The reopened institutions and groups largely satisfied the demand for places in the city’s kindergartens, with the number of enrolled children aged 2-3 years increasing from about 1,230 to over 4,000 in the period.

July 4: The General Division of Culture and Cultural Heritage of the Chisinau Municipal Council has launched a contest of plastic solutions for the bust with a pedestal in memory of Nicolae Dabija. The monument will complete the sculptural complex Alley of Classics in the Public Garden “Stephen the Great and Holy”. Proposals will be accepted by October 4 and the results will be made public ten days later.

July 5: Students who want to continue their studies at a high school in the capital city can submit their files starting Saturday, July 6. For the 2024-2025 school year, the high school enrollment process is planned in 97 secondary education institutions (cycle II – high school) in the municipality. These are 82 public and 15 private institutions, which will employ a total of 5,246 students, divided into 220 classes.

July 5: At the land auction held on Friday, July 5, nine lots of land located in the municipality’s built-up area, out of the 12 proposed, were sold for a total price of 31.2 million lei. The Chisinau City Hall said that the most expensive lot was sold for 18 million lei.

July 6: The Chisinau City Hall invites all those interested to join the table tennis championship for amateurs. The event will take place on July 20, starting at 3:00 p.m., at the Buiucani Youth Center in “La Izvor” Park.

July 8: The General Division of Education, Youth and Sports has 286 general education institutions under its management. Deputy mayor of Chisinau Angela Kutasevich said that most of the buildings were erected many years ago and are in need of repair. Depending on the degree of wear and tear and urgent needs, the priorities are set and the volume of allowances for works is decided. In the case of schools, works are performed rather to strengthen the existing network, while in the case of kindergartens, emphasis is placed on the opening of new institutions.

July 8: The General Medical and Social Assistance Division of the municipality of Chisinau aims to increase the degree of vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) in order to effectively prevent infections with this virus and, implicitly, cases of cervical cancer. Between September 2024 and January 2025, policies will be developed to allow the implementation of this program at the municipal level starting with 2025, deputy head of the department Vladimir Bolocan stated in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

July 8: The number of first aid points installed in the capital city will be increased from two to five tents. The Chisinau City Hall said the measure is taken in connection with the heatwave announced by the State Weather Service until July 12.

July 8: The circulation of heavy vehicles on the streets of Chisinau municipality, with asphalt concrete road surfaces, is prohibited on days with temperatures of over 30°C. The restrictions concern trucks that are heavier than 20 tonnes. The travel limitation interval is valid between 10.00 and 20.00, the head of the General Urban Mobility Division Vitalie Mihalache announced in the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

July 9: The section of V. Korolenko St between the streets Nicolae Testemitanu and Gheorghe Asachi will be closed to vehicle traffic on Tuesday, from 10:00 p.m. until the next day at 7:00 a.m. and also on Thursday, from 10:00 p.m. until the next day at 7:00 a.m. The Chisinau City Hall said the measure is taken in connection with the need to carry out asphalt laying works.

July 9: The application of penalties for insulting teachers will not solve the problem. On the contrary, in places they can exacerbate it. It is necessary to work to remove the reasons for conflicts, to understand the need to work together, said deputy mayor of Chisinau Angela Kutasevich, who believes that a conflict mediator is needed in the school.

July 10: For three days, the capital city will host the fourth edition of the festival “I greet you, Chisinau!”. The cultural and artistic events dedicated to the city and its inhabitants will take place on July 19-21 in the Cathedral Square, on the pedestrian street “Eugen Doga” and up to Albișoara St.

July 11: The section of Decebal Boulevard between the streets Iuri Gagarin Boulevard and Trandafirilor in Chisinau will be fully inaccessible to vehicle traffic from Friday,7:00 p.m., until Saturday, 9:00 p.m. The Chisinau City Hall said that the measure was taken in connection with the need to carry out works to restore the asphalt layer on Decebal Blvd.

July 13: Chisinau’s Education Directorate is organizing the second edition of the Municipal Chess and Checkers Tournament “Senior Cup". Intended for people aged 50 and older, the competition will be held in the parks of Chisinau. The first stage, the sector-level one, will take place between July 20 and August 4 on weekends. The second stage, the municipal level, will be held on August 10. The winners of the sector-level stage will get prizes of 500, 600 and 800 lei, and the winners of the grand final – 1000, 3000 and 5000 lei.

July 15: Travelers should not be afraid of air conditioning in municipal public transport. Drivers are trained how to manage it so that it does not pose a danger, said the deputy head of the General Medical and Social Assistance Division of Chisinau municipality Vladimir Bolocan. The subject was raised at the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services following reports that some of the passengers ask ticket inspectors or drivers to disconnect the air conditioning system for fear that it could harm them.

July 15: Over 5,200 students will be admitted this year to high schools in Chisinau municipality. At the first stage of admission, which ends today, the students submitted their files through the platform escoala.chisinau.md. The candidates were able to opt for three institutions simultaneously, deputy head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports Andrei Pavaloi stated at the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services.

July 17: The Chisinau Zoo now has three new young bears who were brought from the Lutsk Zoo in Ukraine last weekend. During the first days, the bears went through a period of adaptation, being supervised by veterinary specialists of the Chisinau Zoo. To ensure the faster accommodation of the cubs, one of the largest enclosures was laid out.

July 18: The Chisinau City Hall said that in connection with the festival “I greet you, Chisinau!”, whose epicenter will be on Eugen Doga pedestrian street, traffic will not have access to the area and will be diverted to adjacent streets. The section of Columna Street between the streets Alexandr Pushkin and Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni will be inaccessible to vehicle traffic between July 18, 20:00, and July 22, 05:00.

July 19: “I Greet You, Chisinau!” festival starts on Eugen Doga pedestrian street in central Chisinau on Friday, at 19.00. The “Advahov Brothers Orchestra” will take the stage together with Zinaida Julea, Nicolae Gribincea with “Plăiesi”, Maria Iliuț with “Crenguță de Iederăˮ. A food court area, a fair of craftspeople and a number of exhibitions will be staged.

July 22: Municipal services are carrying out checks in parks and courtyards of apartment buildings in the capital city after two children were electrocuted last week and one of them died. At the same time, inspections were ordered to detect persons who illegally connected their installations to public networks. “There was a tragic case last week, when a child died and another one was admitted to the hospital. We send our condolences once again to the family. For all of us it was a tragedy. The Chisinau City Hall provided all the support to both of the families,” mayor of Chisinau Ion Ceban stated in the weekly meeting of officials of municipal services.

July 22: The Taras Shevchenko Lyceum in Chisinau has received a donation of 900 textbooks in Ukrainian. From September 1, the institution will host a larger number of refugee children from Ukraine. “The textbooks are for the students of grades 1, 4 and 5, who will follow the new curriculum. The main disciplines will be taught in Ukrainian, with additional teaching in Romanian for subjects such as music, drawing and physical education”, said Deputy Mayor Angela Cutasevici.

July 23: The municipality is to work out regulations concerning the building of pay parking lots, first of all in the historic center of the capital city and later in the other districts of Chisinau. “At this stage, we want to set a charge for closed parking lots and street parking. We have public consultations. We will debate and analyze. There is currently a proposal formulated based on analyses carried out by experts in this field”, said deputy mayor of Chisinau Ilie Ceban.

July 24: The Chisinau Municipal Council approved local taxes for 2024 on Tuesday. Based on the collection of local taxes, it is planned to gather in the municipal budget the amount of 387.8 million lei, which represents 5% of the total budget revenues or 10.6% of own revenues. The representatives of the municipality said that the taxes will be applied once the draft decision is approved and will not have retroactive effect.

July 24: The Chisinau City Council today failed to approve an already well-overdue 2024 municipal budget, as the 24 votes in favor were not enough for approval in the first reading.

July 27: The municipal Education Directorate is inviting the public to take part in a Family Quest at Chisinau Zoo on July 29. The event is taking place under the public utility project “Dialogica. Inclusion in Action”.

July 29: The services of the Chisinau City Hall starting with July 29 will check every district of the capital city after two children were electrocuted, one of them mortally, in a park in Botanica district. The checks will cover the irrigation systems, public lighting, electricity poles and connections, playgrounds and trees that can pose a risk of falling.

July 29: As many as 4,427 places were occupied at the educational institutions managed by the municipality of Chisinau during the first stage of enrollment of students in the tenth grade, the 2024-2025 school year. Another 819 places remained free and are to be filled at the second stage of admission. The information was presented by the deputy head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports Andrei Pavaloi.

July 29: Thirty-eight trolleybuses are being delivered to Chisinau and five more articulated trolleybuses will be yet shipped. The trolleybuses will be put on routes by the end of August.

July 30: Entities that want to have a reserved parking lot in Chisinau can get one for the amount of 28,000 lei per year. In connection with discussions about the exaggerated costs, deputy mayor of Chisinau Ilie Ceban said that there is nothing new or something invented by the City Hall. The municipality wants to discourage the use of private parking lots, but keeps this option for those who want it.

July 31: A new sports field is now available in “La Izvor” Park in Chisinau. It is a workout ground for relay races. The field offers everyone the opportunity to test their sports skills and improve their physical health.

July 31: The municipality of Chisinau dominates the rankings of the top 15 high schools of the Republic of Moldova with the highest average grades in the Baccalaureate exams 2024. With a pass rate of 100%, the high schools in Chisinau have once again confirmed the dedication and professionalism of the teachers, as well as the effort of the students, said the General Division of Education, Youth and Sports of Chisinau.