
Ion Terguță says why Chicu Government should be dismissed


“The Chicu Government is the emanation of Igor Dodon, who is fully devoted to Russia. He is controlled from outside and has nothing to do with the Republic of Moldova,” secretary general of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Ion Terguță said in a public debate titled “Snap parliamentary elections and/or replacement of Government: probability, risks, benefits” that was organized by IPN News Agency. He this way argued why the current Government should be dismissed.

According to the politician, the current Government that is supported by a parliamentary majority formed by the PSRM and PDM is one of the worst Governments Moldova ever had.

“We are facing a bunch of crises that are very badly managed by the current Government. This is felt in society and the whole Parliament realizes that this Government should leave. We, as you know, already prepared that no-confidence motion against the Chicu Government, but wait for the opportune moment so as to achieve the expected result,” stated Ion Terguță.

He noted that the Government should be dismissed for its poor management of the pandemic crisis, for the large number of infected doctors and for the fact that the country’s economy was inappropriately managed in the period. “We had sufficient capacity to produce equipment for our doctors and for export. What the Government should have done was to assess the situation and to organize purchases of raw material for those production units. We witnessed a situation when our doctors didn’t have at least protective masks, not to mention suits and other things.”

Ion Terguță said agriculture is another sector that was managed badly. The Government should have declared a state of emergency in agriculture and should have stopped the export of grain from the very beginning. Moldova continues to export grain, being the only country in the region that does so.

The secretary general of the PPPDA noted there are now sufficient forces in Parliament that would support their no-confidence motion, but the differences between them are enormous and they cannot discuss on equal terms with the group of Candu. “We said that we can name a Prime Minister and can assume governance on condition that Parliament offers support to this government. This is a very delicate situation for the Republic of Moldova. We do not want to form an alliance with parties or groups. We together should go through this period during which we cannot organize snap elections.”

The debate “Snap parliamentary elections and/or replacement of Government: probability, risks, benefits” was the 134th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture through public debates” that are supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.